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Popeye'disease, also known as ocular hypertrophy, is uncommon to be classified as a disease. According to the pet specialist spruce pets, a pop eye is a condition in which the eyes of the ornamental fish swell and abnormally protrude. The disease can occur in one or both eyes and is caused by bleeding caused by the gas of the oral capillary. And in some cases, the eyes may look hazy. And sometimes the eyes may look awful and stick out too much. Body fluids accumulate around the eyes and may harm the ornamental fish. When the symptoms get worse, white circles may develop around the eyes.

If more than one ornamental fish show pop eye symptoms, it can be determined that there is a fundamental cause of infection in the water tank. And if not treated, the ornamental fish may lose their eyes or sight.

However, not all species of fish that are snowing are problematic. Fish species such as Black Moor Goldfish and Celestial Eye Fish are large, well-sprung eyes but perfectly healthy.

Cause of pop child

There are many possible causes of pop children, but the root cause has not yet been identified. If only one eye protrudes (asymmetric), it is likely that it is due to injury rather than a chemical problem in the tank. If you are fighting with other ornamental fish living together or hit an object in the tank, you can only swallow one eye. If you have this problem, make sure your eyes are not damaged. If the wound is out, the protruding eyes can naturally reenter. However, if you look closely at the eyes of the ornamental fish, you may lose sight if you see an infection.

Another cause of pop children is infection. This is often observed in both eyes. Ornamental fish can be infected by various organisms, including bacteria and parasites. Internal problems such as kidney defects or metabolic problems can cause body fluids accumulation and may be difficult to treat.

An aquarium fish is improper or rough handling, or when a large number of aquarium fish is raised in a tank, when the water temperature is not constant. Bacteria can be infected for a variety of reasons, such as bad nutrition or deficiency of vitamin A when water quality is poor. There are also infections caused by parasites and internal metabolism disorders.

An ornamental fish caught in a pop eye is hard to heal when exposed to poor water quality. It can also catch pop kids when the aquarium fish are too large or not watered. In other words, it is a symptom that can be seen mainly in ornamental fish living in an unsanitary environment.

Asymmetric and symmetric

There are two types of pop eye, asymmetric and symmetric. The main cause of asymmetric pops is chronic water shortage for a long time. Also, asymmetrical pop eye may appear due to physical damage. Physical damage is caused by rough handling, collision with other ornamental fish or hard objects. Both asymmetric and symmetrical symptoms require proper water quality management, but asymmetrical pops have additional considerations.

Treatment and prevention

The treatment of pop children depends on the underlying cause. If you are injured in the eye, ancillary treatment with salt in the bath should be done. It is also recommended to observe periodic water changes and chemical composition in the reservoir during the recovery period. If a water quality test identifies a problem, you must immediately correct the cause to avoid additional stress. All species must feed high quality food to boost immunity.

Bacterial or parasitic fish species should be transferred to isolation tanks before other ornamental fish become infected. It is recommended to treat with broad-spectrum antibiotics. If there are more than one infected ornamental fish, treatment with antibiotics is necessary.

Pop eye damage due to corneal damage, fluid accumulation, bacterial infection, etc. can be difficult to treat. However, if the degree of corneal damage is mild, optimal water quality and nutrients are balanced and it can be treated with vitamin-rich food. And if the ornamental fish are healthy, the boiling can be reduced over time.

Epsom salt is also effective in relieving swelling and can be used in both sea and freshwater fish. However, it is good to use an isolation tank for treatment.

The best way to prevent pop children is to periodically clean the water tank. And excellent maintenance is the key to reducing the pop eye rate. If the water quality is bad, it can cause another disease.

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