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Raising a hamster is a lot of responsibility. The owner must create a home where pet hamsters can minimize the stress of adapting to the new environment. Hamsters are small animals, but living things require a lot of protection other than cages and food. The following is a list of some items that you should prepare after deciding to adopt a hamster.

1. Cage

To raise a hamster, you need to find a cage that is large enough to prevent leakage and easy to clean. The modular cage with tubing has the disadvantage that hamsters can be fun but they are difficult to clean. On the other hand, a simple metal cage with a flat bottom has the advantage that the air circulation can be maintained continuously. To prevent the hamster from escaping from the cage, the gap of the cage bar should not be more than 1/2 inch apart. If you have more than one hamster, a 10-gallon glass tank with a lid can be an option. This tank does not have a risk of escape, but it can easily communicate with the hamster because it is made of glass. Hamsters should not be ignored because hamsters can easily escape even in very small spaces and plastic walls can easily be removed. Therefore, when purchasing a hamster cage, you should avoid tubes that hamsters can eat. Normally, hamster farmers think that if you put a tube in the cage, the hamster will run between the tubes, but this is a very dangerous idea. The tube is not stable and can become loose, causing the hamster to escape or collapse itself, resulting in injury or death.

2. Flooring

Hamsters require flooring to dig the ground and make nests. This creature feels euphoria deep into the bottom where most of the time you can dig an oyster. Good floors absorb odor and feces and can remain comfortable for a long time before cleaning the cage. The outstanding flooring material for hamsters is a mixture of an inexpensive ash wood substrate and a large piece of paper. The aspen is an absorbent material that is inexpensive. And chopped pieces of paper can also be excellent nesting materials. However, juniper and pine need to be avoided as it can be dangerous to hamsters. And cotton fabrics are better avoided because hamsters can swallow or get caught between small toes.

3. Feed bowls and water bottles

The most commonly used water bottles for hamsters are small water bottle bottles with stainless steel entrance. Plain water bowls are not appropriate because the hamsters can spill and pour water. Therefore, the owner must select a product that will supply enough moisture to the hamster.

Hamster feed bowls are suitable containers that can stand alone. But this kind of courage can fall, so the contents in the bowl can be poured out. Therefore, it is better to choose a container of heavy ceramic or fragile material. Regardless of the selected container, you should supply good quality feed, vitamins, and essential nutrients.

4. Exercise wheels

Hamsters require exercise and mental stimulation. Wild hamsters run several miles every night. To meet this need, you need an exercise wheel that can be used in a closed cage. The wheels should be mounted on a hard surface and should be large enough that the hamster can not collapse. Hamsters usually have a habit of running at night, so they should be quiet and stable.

5. Hide

Hamsters like to sleep in private places where privacy is guaranteed. Therefore, it is good to have a simple hideout like a small cardboard box inside the cage. This hideout should be a simple and comfortable place. Cardboard boxes have the disadvantage of frequent replacement due to their material properties, while plastic boxes have the disadvantage that hamsters can chew. It is therefore advisable to purchase a product made of a ceramic material that is easy to clean and hamsters can not chew easily.

Hamsters do not require as much management as other large pets, but there are appropriate management requirements. Therefore, as a hamster owner, you will need to invest in the hamster needs.

▲ The owner should provide a hideout where hamsters can feel comfortable (Source = Flickr)
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