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Dog breeders want to live with dogs for as long as possible. It depends, of course, on how many dogs the owner has taken care of and the genes of dogs.

Certain species are said to live longer. Veteran veterinarian Dr Martie Becker arranged a long-lived dog for those who want a long-living dog.

1. Drilling. Drilling, one of the most beloved dog breeds, can last about 18 years.

2. Toy poodle. Poodles are loved by their smart, cute looks, and the toy poodle can live between 14 and 18 years and live up to 20 years if they live long.

3. Lasa Abso. The Lassa Abso species can live between 12 and 15 years, but rarely can live longer than 20 years.

4. Pomeranian. A small but active Pomeranian can live for about 15 years.

5. Dachshund. Dachshunds that look like hot dogs can live 12 to 17 years, and the longest dachshund has lived 21 years.

6. Chihuahua. A small, but immense chihuahua, unlike his body, can live for 20 years without fear.

7. Austrian easy that. He is reported to have lived 29 years. On average, this species can live between 12 and 15 years and more.

8. Corgi. There are two types of kogi: cardigan wellness and pembroke wellness. The former can live up to 17 years, while the latter can live for 12 to 14 years or more.

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