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If you think that the authoritative and rigorous discipline 'Tiger Child Care Law' helps your child to succeed, it is a mistake. Parents love and raise children differently.

Some parents treat children with strict discipline laws to ensure the future of their loved ones. Currently, strict discipline laws are prevalent in Asia as well as in the entire world, but this approach, called the Tiger Child Raising Act, is not welcomed at all by children.

What exactly is the tiger child rearing method?

The word tiger child rearing comes from Ami Chua's memoir 'Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother' The tiger child rearing law, which is mainly in Asian countries, is a discipline that gives children the best life by strictly controlling their children. Parents want their child to be distinguished in all areas.

How does this discipline affect children's emotional and mental health?

Imagine a scene in which a child does not want to go home because he has a problem with the math test. I know you have done your best enough to study at night, but in order to succeed your child, you become distant from your child who is angry about the mistake the child made unintentionally.

The pressure to always be on top of everything does not always make the child a gifted. Even the results can sometimes lead to the worst.

"This kind of authoritarian discipline for bringing out the results that parents want," says UC Berkeley, a senior researcher at the Campus Culture and Family Institute, "depresses the child's mental health and shows depression, anxiety, and low sociability. Compared with parental discipline methods that praise the development of children with depressive symptoms, academic pressure and feelings of alienation are more likely to be born under fearful parents. "

Is scary discipline really effective?

Research says it is not decisive. The Qing Zhou research team studied 11-week Chinese immigrant classes with strict discipline. On the first day, parents also asked questions such as, "Why should I praise me for what I am supposed to do?"

"Parents should encourage their children all the time," Qingzhou said. "It is a mistake to have excessive expectations of children following an authoritative discipline."

"The discipline that praises children for small things promotes proper independence," he said. "This is the most important and necessary thing for the child to survive."

There is no secret formula for gifted efforts to achieve excessive performance. Also, in this case, the parents are not worried even after the child becomes an adult and becomes independent. They also have to find their own way to love and protect their children and always give their children thought and what is best for them. A credits, medals, and prizes are not all. It is important to bless the happiness that the children did best.

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