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Before having a child, it is easy to say, "I will never raise my child as a spoiled child." Yes, it is easy to say. However, if you raise a child by yourself, you will know how difficult it is. Do not you want to give all the presents your child wants to keep crying and crying? Do not you stick out of toys or snacks before you give them your attention or love? Rarely are parents who like to see children cry or get irritated because they can not get what they want.

What if my child is coming too far?

There is a difference between what you need and what you want. From a parent's point of view, children need love, guidance, protection, food, education and medical care. On the other hand, what children want is basically video games, smart phones, fashion clothes, and trendy items. Also, our society is filled with the idea that parents should make their children happy.

Experts have suggested that parents should not give too much material gifts to their children, instead of doing what they can do, not letting them do housework, and not making family rules, "He said.

It is not just to give a 5-year-old child a dress similar to a popular singer, or to let a junior-high-schooler get a lot of free time and release the reins. It is also a matter of letting the children experience what is best for their parents' satisfaction.

Parents tend to falsely explain to their children how the world is going. To prevent children from experiencing the natural consequences of a mistake, parents will spoil children if they come in and block it. Children need to learn that their choices are natural and logical. "Mom or Dad will do it for you. It 's not helping to say "Mom / Dad will help you and try again". Parental responsibility is to help children prepare for a 'life without a parent'. Parents can not stay and stay with children forever.

For example, teaching a 4-year-old child to wear clothes and shoes, and to teach a teenager to turn a washing machine and set clothes to teach children about life skills necessary for survival.

According to a study conducted in 2001, children who have been pampered and rely on their parents are more likely to have the following perceptions:

1. It is not happy unless it is intelligent, rich, and creative.

2. My happiness depends on those who like me.

3. In the process or in partial failure is the whole failure.

4. I can not be happy if I miss many good things in life.

5. I am unhappy alone.

6. If someone disagrees with me, he dislikes me.

7. My happiness depends on people around me rather than myself.

8. If I fail to do what I do, I have failed as a person.

Do not ruin your child

If you continue to give your child a gift to keep your home peaceful and quiet, your child will grow up to be a person who does not know the basics of the real world. The most important thing parents should do is to teach and emphasize rules to their children.

1. Adhere to the rules. Teach your child that you can get what you want if you do not cry at a very young age and wait without swarming. You must also keep what you say and tell your child that the rules are consistent.

2. Let your child help with housework. It may be a little housework such as removing the toys that you have used, or throwing out a little trash from your own snacks like candy shells. It is important that children have a sense of responsibility. Emphasize that if you wait patiently, you should do what you need, not others.

3. Let them experience disappointment and failure. The child must also learn to fail. So I do not get frustrated when I face bigger failures later on.

4. Do not deal with your child. For example, if you do this, do not tell Mom / Dad to buy it. Then the child expects and demands rewards for everything.

5. Do not say "no" to everything. If your child is opposed to everything you want to do, your child thinks he is a bad child and grows in a more dire direction. If your child's behavior or request is reasonable, help your child enjoy it in a positive way.

6. Do not underestimate your child. Teach them the difference between what they need and what they want, and help them do things such as helping with household chores. Do not solve your problem. Your child should struggle to solve it.

It is not a material value that parents must give their children. Tell your child the right rules and punish your child in the right way. Help your child grow up to be a prideful and responsible adult.

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