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The birth of a baby means that a new stage in his or her life begins. It is natural for you to be afraid and uncertain whether it is wrong to take care of your precious baby who is born with difficulty.

Child Care Media Here are some tips to keep in mind when dealing with babies introduced in Kids Health.

1. Be careful about hygiene

Wash your hands when handling your baby. Newborns who have not yet developed an immune system are more likely to be infected with external factors.

2. Support your neck

Hold the child's head and neck when lifting the baby. Newborns do not develop until the muscles leading to the neck and back walk. When you are holding a child, you must hold your child's head to prevent injuries.

3. Do not shake

You should not shake your newborn baby. Tapping a baby's head is a very dangerous thing. Bleeding in the head is easy, and extreme cases lead to fatal injuries.

4. Smooth handling

Rough play should be avoided. The newborn's bones are not strong enough to withstand excessive pressure or to withstand external pressure. Do not throw the baby in the air or hold it too hard.

5. Always check for problems

The condition of the newborn should be precisely identified. Before leaving the hospital after giving birth, we recommend that you check with your doctor who has the best understanding of your newborn's condition to check for any special problems.

Parenting is a task that all couples must do together. You should devote enough time and effort to make your baby grow healthy.

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