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Photo Source: NASA, Wikimedia Commons

Peggy Whitson, a NASA astronaut and 535-day universe writer, said the most recent missions about Earth are food and hot showers.

In an interview recently conducted with CNN in the space and the earth, she said, "It would be great if I could just shower. You only need to use a towel and rub on top of this shower to rub it without water. I also remember food. If possible, I would like to cook myself, and I would really like to eat if I go home. "

Watson was sent to Russia and the European Space Agency, one by one, for the commencement of a mission to conduct hundreds of experiments related to such fields as earth science, biology, and how light affects astronauts in space With the pilots, departed from Earth for the International Space Station in November 2016.

Watson's universe stay date, 535 days, was made through three space travels to the space station.

The record is a total of four space missions, including the mission of boarding and carrying Atlantis, replacing the existing longest universe stay record by an American astronaut named Jeff Williams, who returned from space station in 2016.

Trump and his daughter, Ivanka Trump, delivered a celebration directly to Watson at the White House.

Watson is already the first woman to be appointed as the commander of the space station, the oldest female astronaut at the age of 57 and 57 hours and 22 minutes of spacewalks in eight spacewalks there was.

When Watson returns to Earth in September 2017, he will have a total of 666 days of space stay, and it seems difficult for any other woman to break this record after Watson.

"I do not think too much about the record itself," Watson said. But when it comes to thinking about the record, I think of all those who have made it possible to build these records. "

"There are thousands of people who have made this possible. NASA has a number of young people who have the opportunity to fly. But nowadays, it is not easy to have such an opportunity. "

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