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Chickenpox is an acute viral disease caused by varicella-zoster virus. Symptoms start with acute fever, and the whole body is itchy and swollen.

Varicella infection

It is called hydronephaly because of viral infections that cause itching irritation. It is highly contagious and spreads to others. If you have not been vaccinated, you should avoid access to patients. Chickenpox is a mild disease that can be easily treated, and it takes about one week to two weeks to be healed. It's better to get a vaccine

Early symptoms of chickenpox

It is important to know the initial symptoms for immediate treatment of varicella. In the early days of varicella, they experience discomfort, fever, pain, anorexia, and nausea. Blisters and spots are formed in the body. It feels serious itching and dry spots.

▲ Adult-born chickenpox (Source = Wikimedia Commons)


Unlike other diseases, chickenpox virus spreads easily. People who are not vaccinated are more likely to become infected. It is transmitted through the air by touching virus particles from blisters. It is also contagious 1-2 weeks before the onset of the rash. It takes about two weeks for an infected person to become aware of chickenpox symptoms.

▲ Blistering baby (source = flicker)

Chickenpox treatment

Children with chickenpox often do not need treatment. To relieve itching, prescribe only antihistamines. If you are at risk for complications, you may be given medication to reduce the duration of the infection.

▲ child with measles (source = Flickr)

Age of varicela

The overall mortality rate is about two per 100,000, but the mortality rate in adults is 30 per 100,000. The major cause of death is viral pneumonia in adults and secondary bacterial infections and encephalitis in children. Patients with leukemia are at high risk and have a mortality rate of 5 to 10%.

Symptoms of measles (Source = Wikimedia Commons)

How to prevent it

Sensitive newborns or immunosuppressed patients should be careful not to contact with varicella patients. Use subcutaneous injectable live vaccine for people sensitive to 1 to 12 years of age. Once vaccinated, 70-90% of your armor gains 3-6 years.

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