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After stress all day in the office, I hope to be able to go home and sleep comfortably and deeply. However, you should know that sleeping as it is may have a negative impact on productivity the next day. Julia Hayes advised on the Inc site, "It's a good idea to relax first and then have a good day's rest after work."

Here is a 20-minute nighttime habit that makes your body and mind relax before you fall asleep.

First, I think about the points I learned today for five minutes. "We have to review and analyze what happened today before we fall asleep," Hayes said. This helps to avoid making mistakes again. "We can mature quickly through the process of reflection and learning, and reach the goal faster than the average person," he added. I suggest you to think about three new things I learned and three things I need to change.

It also recalls the audit list for five minutes. The majority of people tend to remember mainly negative events. We must have a leisurely heart and be grateful for the good work that has happened that day. This is a good way to focus and motivate your goals.

Next is five minutes to prepare the brain for success. Hayes said, "I practice to visualize the goals I want to accomplish before I fall asleep." He added, "By helping me realize the meaning of work, I can help my productivity."

The last five minutes calms the mind calmly. You have to rest and put everything down on a day of stress and work. Meditation is also effective in stress, exhaustion, mild depression and insomnia, and induces deeper sleep.

The next morning when you wake up you will find yourself more energetic than before.

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