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Source: Pixar Bay

Have you ever heard of cheese tea? No, would you rather try to put cheese in your car and drink it?

Cheese tea is literally what you imagine. But the shape of a cheese car may be different from the imagination.

Cheese tea is a cold served car. At the bottom is a bottle of liquid with different tea leaves, including oolong tea, plain milk and tasty tea, topped with cheese whipped cream and cheese toppings.

"Cheese tea is similar to a tea latte, but it is characterized by thicker bubbles and a rise in cheese whip and cheese toppings," explains Jenny Cheng, a Los Angeles cafe owner.

Some people think tea and cheese will not fit at all, but people who taste it are different.

Tea consultant Alexis Simmons said, "Pairing tea and cheese is quite rich. When the fat of the cheese feels a little burdensome, the car supplements it. The balance is very well caught, "he said.

If you have a cheese tea for the first time, you should learn to drink it properly. First, do not let cheese topping on the bubble fall down. Cheese layers should continue to stay at the top. So the cheese whipped cream and topping go into your mouth and the car comes along.

If you have a chance, try the cheese car. It may fall off soon.

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