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We are stressed daily at school, at work, inside or outside the home. This stress is emotional and physical tension due to the negative environment of anger, frustration or nervousness.

Excessive stress can accelerate aging and increase the risk of many diseases such as heart disease, hypertension and diabetes. In addition, stress is not only health but also skin. The following are the adverse effects of stress on the skin.

Dark circles swollen under the eyes - Insomnia and anxiety interfere with sleep, and sleep deprivation has a negative effect on health and skin beauty. Make your eyes tired and look older.

Skin dryness and keratin - water is very important to our body. When stress is severely affected and water intake is insufficient, skin dryness and keratinization will occur.

Skin defects - Stress affects intestinal bacterial balance. When stressed, cortisol is secreted and the body's hormonal balance is lost, causing acne on the face and body. The balance between intestinal good bacteria and bad bacteria is affected by stress.

Urticaria and rashes - There is a high likelihood of urticaria or rashes due to intestinal or bacterial imbalance.

Flushing - Flushing caused by stress is caused by stressful breathing, shallow breathing, and respiratory arrest.

Fine wrinkles - Wrinkles are caused by movements such as lifting your eyebrows or tightening your lips with stress. These fine wrinkles become deeper and form thick wrinkles.

Baldness - Stress inhibits melanin production, resulting in grayheads and stays constantly in the gray. In addition, the hair becomes thinner.

Hair loss - In addition to baldness, too much stress can cause hair loss. Stress inhibits hair follicle growth.

Vertical lines of the nails - vertical lines generally indicate aging and malnutrition, but if the line is spread all the way to the nail end, it is definitely affected by stress.

Sensitivity - Under stress, skin becomes more susceptible to infections and stimuli such as fungal infections, skin spots and other scarring. When stress is intensified, self-esteem and self-esteem are reduced by depression and other negative emotions.

▲ Photo Source: Pixar Bay

However, there is a solution. Stress can be managed through lifestyles such as healthy eating, regular exercise, and adequate sleep. You can increase your concentration by meditating or praying to control your stress. Praying or meditation helps to relieve stress and tension by releasing negative emotions.

These prayers and meditations should take a deep breath and drink fresh air in the park or outdoors to keep cool.

Workouts can relieve tension when working all day, and walk for at least 30 minutes if you walk. You can maintain your body's health and concentration through jogging, running, swimming or dancing. These exercises prevent hypertension, cardiovascular and heart disease.

A healthy diet is also essential for stress relief. A healthy diet elevates the positive mood and green tea is good for calm and concentration. Vitamin C enhances the immune system, but alcohol and caffeine affect anxiety and panic attacks and should be limited.

Above all, enough sleep is needed to relieve stress. After a day's work, you need to have a good time for rest and recovery, so you can get rid of stress.

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