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Source: Pixar Bay

The horticultural program developed in Missouri, USA, has become very popular in recent years for serious illnesses, developmental disabilities and trauma patients.

A program run by a botanical garden has a treatment session called 'sensory garden', and other outdoor activities are offered. Visitors can smell or touch flowers and herbs.

According to the treatment garden instructor, Zen Carbon, "the connection with nature provides healing". Treatment Horticulture is not only for people who need special help, but can be enjoyed by everyone.

Likewise, the American Horticultural Therapy Association said on its Web site that "therapeutic horticulture has been done from ancient times and has already been recognized among healthcare professionals." In fact, gardening activities were part of a treatment that was administered to veterans throughout the 1940s and 50s. From there, horticultural therapies continue to flourish to this day.

Susan Busen is a liver cancer patient. "Thanks to the gardening program, I was able to withstand the treatment period," she said. Therapy plants reminded me of the herb that I had at home. He confesses that he has benefited greatly from this program, and says, "It is not afraid to be treated. I feel like doing something fun, not something I have to do. "

Another patient, Thomas Brook, is treated regularly with lymphoma. Nevertheless, he feels joy every day with flowers. "I brought a little pleasure here. It is so good to see nature given by God, "he said.

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