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Oranges, which are often seen around, are fresh, sweet and very healthy. American Time magazine named it as one of the top 10 supermarkets, but it is rich in nutritional value and it replenishes ingredients that are easily scarce.

"Citrus fruits generally seem to make the flavor of all the foods served with it deep," said Rigan Jones, founder of Healthy Aperture, a health food specialty site. In addition to vitamin C, which increases energy, orange contains calcium and fiber. In particular, when eating iron-rich foods such as red meat or vegetables, it is also helpful to lose weight when eaten with it. Vitamin C in the orange also helps to relieve stress.

When purchasing oranges, you should make sure that the fruit is ripe, the surface is smooth, rounded, and firm. Fruits whose shells are discolored, stained, or rotten are to be avoided. In addition, the orange can be kept fresh for one week at room temperature and stored in the refrigerator for three weeks. Also, if the orange is cut into pieces and kept in a plastic container, the fruit will not dry out.

Another expert, Marissa Miller, told a news article in a women's health journal, "When you eat oranges, peel one by one with your hands, or peel carefully with a fruit knife." You do not have to peel the shell when you add it to water or drink. The orange peel contains compounds that show anticancer effects such as D-limonene.

However, there are some bad points if there are good points. Due to the acidity of the fruit, you should not eat too much orange per day because it may cause gastric acid reflux symptoms. Miller said there are two orange oranges recommended per day.

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