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Zinc has been recognized as an essential trace element of life since the early 1900s, and deficiency was first recognized in the early 1960s. Zinc is a major micronutrient involved in the immune system, growth, DNA production, and wound healing in our bodies.

What is zinc deficiency?

Zinc deficiency is a small amount, but it is a phenomenon that occurs when zinc, which is an essential element in our body, runs out. Zinc is abundant in meat, oysters, shellfish, and uncooked grains. In recent westernized diets, there is usually no problem with zinc intake. However, vegetarians, malnourished, and pregnant women are at greatest risk of zinc deficiency.

What are the symptoms of zinc deficiency?

People with zinc deficiency usually have weak immune system function. This means that they are more easily exposed to health problems such as growth problems, loss of appetite, and damage to the immune system.

Depending on the degree of zinc deficiency ▲ digestive disorders ▲ hair loss ▲ erectile dysfunction ▲ weight loss ▲ mental helplessness ▲ taste disorders ▲ delayed sexual maturity symptoms such as appear.

What causes zinc deficiency in children?

Children and pregnant women are the people most at risk for zinc deficiency. Zinc deficiency in people in these groups is caused by high zinc requirements during pregnancy and limited food intake in infants.

Pregnant women give zinc to the unborn baby, which increases the recommended zinc requirement. Lactate also reduces zinc supply. Infants whose children are more than 7 months old and breastfed alone are at risk of zinc deficiency because they do not meet the recommended zinc requirement.

Children and pregnant women are at high risk for zinc deficiency, but zinc deficiency occurs in people of all ages, including gastroenterologists, vegetarians, and alcoholics.

What are the risk factors for zinc deficiency?

Pregnancy, breastfeeding and alcoholism cause zinc deficiency.

Because pregnant women supply essential zinc nutrients to their babies, there is a high risk of zinc deficiency. Because breastfeeding mothers are not enough to supply essential zinc nutrients, they cause zinc deficiency in children over seven months of age. Alcoholics are susceptible to zinc deficiency. This is because alcohol interferes with the normal zinc digestion process.

What is a lot of zinc?

Foods that are effective in supplying zinc to the body include pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, sesame seeds, wheat germ, and garlic.

1. Pumpkin Seed: Pumpkin seed is the best food to supply zinc to the body. It is generally good to feed me with zinc to feed.

2. Dark Chocolate: 100g of dark chocolate without sugar is supplied with 9.6mg of zinc.

3. Sesame: Like pumpkin seeds, it is better to eat sesame seeds. Baked sesame seeds provide 10mg of zinc per 100g.

4. Wheat germ: Hyaluronate-rich wheat embryos provide zinc that exceeds daily dietary requirements. Contains 17 mg of zinc per 100 g of wheat germ.

5. Garlic: Not as rich in zinc as the foods listed above, but it supplies the body with nutrients such as manganese, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and selenium.

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