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Introducing Armadillo, the only mammal dressed in solid armor so bullets can bounce off.


The name Armadillo comes from Spanish. The lexical meaning is "a little armor", and this bony carapace, called armor or armor, covers both the head, back, legs and tail. Origin is North America and South America, but all 20 species of Armadillo except one species inhabit Latin America. Nine-banded armadillo is the only living in the United States. The average life span is about 16 years, depending on species. Armadillo is an animal that is closely related to the sloth or anteater we know. The snout has a pointed tip or spade shape and the eyes are small. The color and size are also very varied from 'Pink fairy armadillo' of about 15cm to 'Giant armadillo' of 152cm. King Armadillo weighs a whopping 60kg in size.
▲ Photo Source: Pixar Bay
The place to live is mostly warm places such as rainforests, grasslands, and reflective areas. Unlike other mammals, it lacks fat stores and metabolism, and can not survive in cold climates. I usually enjoy living alone, but when the weather gets cold, I make oysters or a big nest made of leaves and grass. This means that their behavior and habits change with the seasons. For example, during the warmer months, it is active in the nocturnal on a cool night, and when the weather gets cold, it is active during the day and rest during the night. Armadillo is characterized by having unique long claws in addition to carapace, which is most easily used for digging oysters. If you dig an oyster, you can sleep for up to 16 hours in the day, spend time and eat insects such as ants and beetles early in the morning or evening. When the food is caught, a long, sticky tongue quickly hits in the mouth, and the nail-like teeth are best suited for chewing insects. In addition, small vertebrates, animals and plants are also available. The sight is bad and the sight is used instead of the sight. Their oysters are also considered to be harmful animals that destroy crops and plants due to their habit.


Unlike what is commonly known, only a three-banded armadillo can be put into the cargo by curling its head and legs. Then the body changes like a solid ball, and in this case no predator can be harmed. The headboard, which looks like a tear drop, is sealed up to the opening so that even a small gap can not be seen. The body beneath the carapace has little hair except the abdomen and the lateral side, and this solid hair acts as a token that allows it to move around at night. The cargo is also tough but also flexible. The skin is soft and it is easy to shrink and expand between the bands of the back. The San Diego Zoo in the United States explained that Armadillo's carapace was a deformed skin. Usually unusual animals are used as a way to protect themselves. If they feel threatened, they run away or dig the oysters, but try not to turn over to the ground as much as possible. Armadillo has an additional bonnet to cover the tops, limbs and tail of the head, but there is no such device at the bottom, so soft skin and hairs take its place. Predators of these are usually wild cats, raptors, bears, and wolves. Fortunately, however, unlike the previous example, it is apt to run fast with its excellent running ability of 48km / h.

▲ Photo Source: Pixar Bay

Breeding and preservation

Armadillo can be breed throughout the year depending on the species, usually about 2 to 5 months. However, they are characterized by the absence of a bond, so males do not help to care for their young. It also gives birth to several cubs like dogs. Among them, nine-band Armadillo is known as the only mammal that regularly produces four twins. The cubs are born with soft and gray carapace, which can be shaped like a ball within hours of birth. A few days later, the carapace becomes harder and becomes mature at about 9 to 12 months. The general perception of Armadillo varies but it is mostly negative, such as recognizing them as harmful animals. Insect-eating habits have good pest management capabilities, but are believed to cause damage to crops and plants. In some cases, the carapace is made into a wallet leather, or it is harvested for food. I also find food and get a road kill from the roadside. All the species except for the nine-band Armadillo are gradually declining in numbers, and five Armadillo species are still on the path of survival. What is the future of Armadillo with the strange charm that other animals can not see?

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