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On November 17, the dog, who lost his master in the Arizona Music Festival grounds, found his master by virtue of two women.

Shelby Petkester and her friend Sidney West discovered that one of them was rubbing trash cans while waiting outside the showers room at the Country Thunder Arizona Music Festival campground.

According to Petkeda, she went to help the dog and the dog came right to her. The two friends took the dog to the event committee, but they did not get much help and brought the dog to the campsite.

Petcorder and West could not raise their lost dogs online because their cell phone signals were weak. However, they found that there are two owners who resume their temperament.

They fed dogs and looked after them for the night.

After putting a dog in the Lost Door Center, Petkeder took "Hani" home to earn more time to find the owner, and posted on Facebook to search for a puppy dog.

A few days later, the dog-girlfriend found a Facebook post by Petcorder and was able to find the dog.

The real name of the lost dog was 'Buddy', and puppy Lord and Buddy reunited on the evening of the 21st.

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