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Your child will not make his parents happy as long as they make the right friends in school and adapt well to school life. Parents who are not witnessing school life can not know how their children are going to school and what friends they are associated with. Often, some parents feel a sense of instability by sending their children in anxiety and anxiety.

In order for parents to properly understand their child's school life, it is necessary to look at how the child behaves and speaks after school. If the child's behavior is sometimes seen as a strange move or an unusual feature, it can be evidence that it does not fit well into school life. Moreover, nowadays bullying is so prevalent in the so-called bullying that it needs to pay attention to how it interacts with and fits around friends.

If a child does not speak well about school, parents should be aware of the signs of bullying in their child's behavior. Here are 10 signs of bullying that parents can understand well.

1. If you often lose or break your belongings

Children may lose their belongings or school supplies because of distracting and careless aspects, but you should know there is a problem if this happens consistently. Bullying children often harass the victim and damage or remove things. If your child continues to lose things, it is wise to give them an opportunity to explain before they get angry. If you are reluctant or not at all, you may notice that a rather serious problem is occurring.

2. Frequent headaches or abdominal pain

I do not want to go to school. These avoidance behaviors appear because there is a clear reason. Parents need to be aware that they are being harassed right away. In fact, some children experience somatic symptoms due to harassment. Parents should persevere and persevere and encourage their children to talk directly to the pain they are experiencing at eye level.

3. Lost grades and loss of interest in study

When children are stressed, they lose interest or interest in something they have been engrossed in. In addition, the academic performance is also deteriorating. This is clearly an indication that some problems have occurred in school life. If bullying at school suggests that the children have lost concentration and motivation, it is important to know the cause by observing the child's behavior, not the punishment of the grades.

4. Changes in eating habits

If a child who suddenly eats well appears to suffer from anorexia or decline, this can be due to extreme stress. Stress and anxiety can greatly reduce or reverse your appetite. If you notice a marked change in your usual eating habits, it is a good idea to suspect bullying or bullying at school.

5. Discovery of injuries and injury signs

Children are sometimes hurt and injured as they grow, but if they are permanently injured or signs of injuries are found, this can be a sign that something is wrong. Especially if the child is reluctant to explain these wounds, it is important to realize that there is a bigger problem, and violence from school bullying should not be overlooked.

6. Helplessness, anxiety, and sad feelings

If you continue to look different than usual without any special reason, you need to figure out somehow that something is wrong. This can be most relevant to school life. At this time, it is good to look at the child's emotions through social media. You should also be able to observe your child carefully through other means of understanding why you are under stress.

Seven brothers and sisters

You should be able to see if your child is showing signs of harassment or harassment to your brother or sister. Children who are sometimes bullied sometimes show behavior that they have transferred to their siblings. At this point, you should intervene immediately and find out the root cause of your child's behavior.

8. Tired complexion, or sleep disorders

If you feel toxic fatigue in the morning, it is a good idea to ask if you slept well at night. If you hesitate to answer, it may be due to fear and anxiety about bullying. At this time, ask your child to answer in a soft tone, asking, "What do you think when you sleep?" Or "Are you sad or nervous?"

9. Do not talk about friends

If your child is bullied at school, you will feel extremely lonely. And I am reluctant to talk about my close friends or talk about other school life. Parents should be aware of this quickly and be able to grasp the child's expression and feelings when they ask their friends about their children.

10. Abnormal behavior before school

If you are bullied at school, you do not want to go to school. As emotions become more sensitive, nerves can become sharp, and it is important for parents to be aware of these behaviors.

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