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As the size of the family has declined in developed countries, more and more people have been advising on how to raise children. That's why the views of the experts tend to collide.

They are usually disputed in two respects. It is the opinion that parents should control their children to some extent and strictly treat them, and that they should give their children independence and not parents.

"We need to focus on improving school performance rather than focusing on improving grades at school," he said in a book called "Raising a Good Child: Science to Raise Children Successfully." Instead, "He said.

"Most parents are training their children to do what computers do," said Professor Cachehurst-Pasques of Temple University in Philadelphia, USA. In fact, computers are always better than humans when doing these things. "

Professor Hurst-Parsec and her co-author Professor Roberta Golinkov from the University of Delaware said that parents should focus on six C's when they are raising children.

The six Cs are collaboration, communication, content, critical thinking, creative innovation, and confidence.

Collaboration is the core of child care. It is a way to teach your child to communicate well with other people both inside and outside the school.

Professor Hurst-Parsec said, "Collaboration is about learning to control impulses and teaching them not to harass others. Everything our children do at home and in school is built on this basis. "

Communication includes speaking, reading, writing and listening.

The content is based on communication. If you have not learned to understand or read the language, you can not learn anything.

Critical thinking depends on content. That is, after understanding the contents, it decides what action to take.

If your child has a question, you should encourage them to ask more questions, not ignore them. Children should make them understand other people's thoughts.

Creative innovation is the next step. To create a new one, you need to know enough about the subject.

Confidence is important to teach children to take safe risks.

Each of the six C elements has four stages. Parents can assess how well their child has learned each skill.

Social interactions between parents and children can help you determine how your child develops these skills.

"Today, what we do with our children is important to be responsible for 20 years," Hirst-Parsec said.

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