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A child who lived in a different culture after leaving his original home was claimed to be more exposed to mental illness. Co-author of 'Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among World', Ban Ricken says that a child who has grown up in a culture of change has grown up in a different culture, He warned that he would live with symptoms such as anxiety and depression.

Ricken explained that a child who has grown up outside of his originally grown up culture and experiences growing up elsewhere feels a sense of separation, breaks up with friends and family, and leaves a place he likes and is familiar with. The child repeats the experience of losing his / her familiar and favorite parts, and the feeling of loss is greatly accumulated, and he feels great sadness.

Riken said that there are children who have lost their feelings of loss during their growing ups and have not been able to resolve them properly. This child can not properly express the suffering that he experienced during his growth because he listened to the people around him about how special his life is.

Riken said that children living in other cultures are being thrown into the opposite environment from where they originally lived and that they do not even have time to say goodbye to the world that has just begun to get used to it. He pointed out that if a child who did not even have time to accept the changing situation leaves the place where he originally lived, he would feel like the whole world has abandoned himself.

TED spoke with the title "Where is home?" And said that there are 220 million people living in other cultures, including children, including children.

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