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According to a new study from the University of Washington, USA, one egg a day for a six month old baby can help improve brain development and function. Eggs contain many essential nutrients such as choline and omega-3 fatty acid DHA that stimulate brain health.

Eggs can be divided into two parts, yolk and white. The white or dilute liquid contains 3.6 g of protein, with a cholesterol of 0 and a calorie of 17 kcal. Egg yolks contain essential nutrients, which include vitamins A, B3, B6, B12, D, E, folate or B9. It also contains biotin, inositol, niacin, riboflavin, thiamine and protein.

However, there are disadvantages to white and yolk. White is known to cause allergic reactions in children and adults, and yolk can increase cholesterol levels in young babies taking cholesterol. Here are some tips for safely feeding your baby eggs.

1. Egg whites are one of the eight known allergens in humans. Experts recommend the yolk to the baby rather than the whites.

2. Sometimes a baby under the age of 1 is given an egg. Feeding foods that can induce allergies at childhood can help prevent food allergy after growth. In addition to eggs, dairy products, beans, and peanuts can be considered.

"If you do not have any allergic reactions to your baby during four months of breastfeeding, there is no problem eating anything from six months old," said Dr. Frank Gregor, a pediatrician.

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