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When you raise twins, there are many things that are fun and hard. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the US Department of Health and Human Services's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the US twin birth rate increased by 76 percent in 1980, and three out of every 100 pregnant women gave birth to twins or triplets.

The job to do is twofold more and more difficult than to raise a child, but the process of raising a twin is a lot of fun and fun.

Buy anything and share it with two

Because twins need anything at the same time, parents always have to buy everything two at a time. To prevent children from fighting each other, it is good to buy two toys that are the same. But children will grow and learn how to share. Raising twins doubles the enjoyment of raising a child.

Allen Rosenblum, a pediatrician, said the twins are more likely to transfer the disease to each other because they share everything, including germs.

Breastfeeding can be done at the same time

Twin mothers can breastfeed twins at the same time, but they need coordination and patience. The twin mother should observe each child's habit of breastfeeding and change the position of the breast so that only one child does not breast-feed. If breast milk is fed only to one breast, the shape of the breast may change.

When you leave the house, you get the attention of many people.

When strangers see twins, they come close and ask a lot of questions. Many people will be asked many questions, such as whether they gave birth to natural babies and whether they are identical twins.

Only the mother can know the subtle differences between the twins

Twin mothers can tell the difference between twins. Mothers can distinguish two children precisely, distinguishing not only subtle differences in appearance such as eyes and ears, but also behavioral characteristics. Even though the twins are all alike, the mother distinguishes the difference between the two children.

The twins are dependent on each other.

The twins have a strong bond with each other. Michael Bober, an educational psychologist, said, "The twins are connected emotionally, so if you feel one's feelings of happiness, fatigue, and so on, one crying is likely to cry." Twins are also likely to do the same.

Raising twins is very difficult, but there are not many who understand twin mother's grievances. So when twin mothers meet each other, they discuss each other's difficulties and empathize with each other. But the pleasure and love that twin mothers feel is also doubled.

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