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What if a sleeping child suddenly starts screaming in the middle of the night? Parents of course can be embarrassed and embarrassed by their sudden behavior. Why is a sleeping child showing this behavior?

Nightmares vs. Night vision

Everyone dreams of sleeping. Whether the content of a dream is good or bad, it is a common element that everyone experiences. Particularly, if you have nightmares, you may get sweating all over your body as if you were playing a marathon. The nightmare also has such an impact that it can be expressed for a long time, even after it has been awakened.

Children also have nightmares like adults. This is mostly related to other environmental factors such as being stressed or harassed. Even if I did not break right from my nightmares, I could remember the dreams of the previous day vividly after I got up in the morning, which makes me afraid to lie back to sleep that night.

The American Sleep Foundation (NSF) explained that nightmares are common in sleep, rem (REM) sleep states induced by rapid eye movement, and in the "most awake" sleep stages of the brain. In the meantime, a child can sleep for about 10 to 20 minutes while sleeping, kicking or falling out of bed. This is called 'night vision'. The Mayo Clinic explained that children experiencing night vision are having a horror dream that a ghost or monster sounds like a nightmare, and that this can happen even in a non-REM sleeping state.

In some ways, night vision can be seen as a more serious symptom than a nightmare. This is because the child who awakes in the morning does not remember the experience and the experience of the nightmare. At this time, the parents do not even recognize what they call to reassure them with their affectionate voices.

NSF says that night scenes have common features such as arousal or agitation, bigger eyes, sweating, and increased blood pressure. In this case, the children usually scream and shudder for a few minutes, then go back to bed when stable. This night view is a side that wakes up early in the night and is linked to sleepwalking walking outside the bedroom, and the child can not remember or vaguely remember the contents of the dream.

Why your child has a nightmare

According to Sicoloji Today, there are various factors in the reasons for nightmares. Some of them are as follows.

1. Post-traumatic stress : If you experience a major event, trauma, that can be trauma, it can lead to post-traumatic stress. If dreams lead to the same helplessness associated with the events that cause trauma, this can be a source of nightmares.

2. Anxiety : Anxiety can lead to nightmares because they are related to worries and worries after awakening. Extremely worrisome events that cause nightmares are usually associated with home, school, and social fears.

3. Separation : Everyone thinks and fancies things that can not happen in real life. The vivid fears associated with this imagination can make the children have nightmares by making them unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality.

4. Physiological changes : Cyclo-genotyping also explained that people with high heart rate variability are less likely to have nightmares because of their ability to cope and cope with stress, while those with lower heart rates do not.

A way to help children with nightmares

1. Relief and comfort : Warm physical contact is necessary for a child who has nightmares. Children who have a horrible dream need immediate relief and comfort, and parents should embrace their child's head and let them know that their experience is merely a dream, not a real one.

2. Using lights or dolls : Just by turning on the lights in the room, the child can sleep alone safely. Recognizing that lighting is a tool that prevents children from catching monsters. However, if you have a child who can not sleep even when the light is turned on, it is better to have a toy or doll beside it. The child can feel relieved that it is not alone because of the touch of the doll placed near the pouch.

3. Raising an imaginary presence : Children often think that a ghost or monster is hidden under a bed or in a closet due to excessive imagination. It is also a good idea to open the closet door to realize that there is no existence beside the child.

4. Control over Nightmares : To get rid of fear, the child must feel that he or she can control the situation. Showing a picture of what your child is most afraid of and encouraging him to tear it directly helps to eliminate fear. It is also effective in relieving the stress and fears of nightmares.

5. Positive use of images : It is good to take a positive and positive attitude to get rid of nightmares. For example, the word "light conquers darkness" reminds us that over time, we can overcome the fear of darkness.

Night spot prevention

According to an article posted on the Oxford University Press blog, the best way to help a child with night vision is to never intervene unless the child is physically harmed after being watched from the side. In other words, waking up a child in the middle is a bad measure.

Another website, NauTour Love, also pointed out that if you interfere with your child's behavior to calm your child, it can intensify your child's stress. In the meantime, I suggested a way to prevent child night vision in daily life. Here are a few.

1. Stable daily life : It is to make a daily routine for your child to help you to keep it and to live. A child can not think or fall into other things that can cause night vision while digesting the schedule.

2. Early putting : It is desirable to help you get to bed early in the night rather than late at night. Also, when sleeping, you should shut off the lights completely to get good quality sleep and relieve stress.

3. Evening conversation : When a child tells a story or talks to the child in the evening, the child believes that the bad thing will not happen. Since the child trusts and listens to the parents' words, telling them that nothing will happen except for a refreshing feeling before sleep means that the child can fall asleep comfortably.

4. Positive attitude : It is also an ideal way for the child to feel control over the nightmare, giving him the awareness that he has the power to destroy the monsters in his mind.

5. Deep Breathing : You can teach your child meditation and breathing exercises and develop skills to deal with the monsters themselves and to be relieved in stressful situations.

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