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Every parent wants their child to be healthy, smart and successful. Encourage and encourage the development of the best for your child, and at the same time, pay much attention to the emotional aspects of your child to feel happy.

It is a wise way to put your child's happiness on top of your parents' priorities and strengthen your abilities. Let's find out what parents can do for this.

Happy child education

1. No comparison with other children : No matter what, you should not compare the performance and achievements of your child and other children. Experts point out that these comparative trends can hurt children's self-esteem and self-esteem. It is wise for a child to always be able to pursue his or her accomplishments in the world, so that he can help create a child's identity properly. You should not press or force yourself to be like a person other than yourself. It is good to explore what you want and develop your own skills.

It is very important to recognize the child as such. Taking other labels or stigmas can be a long-term hurt and can have negative consequences. Parents should always be able to say good things to their children and emphasize positive things.

2. Effort : Dr. Bob Murray, author of "Raising an Optimistic Child: A Proven Plan for Depression-Proofing Young Children-for Life," should praise the efforts that have been made in the process rather than the outcome He said. It is important to focus on the efforts and processes that your child has made to achieve the goal, and it is important to teach them to lead success through persistence, patience, and effort. Parents should be able to memorize and praise all the small details and specific things that the child has done to achieve the goal.

You should not make your child feel that you should prove that you can recognize yourself. Dr. Christine Carter, director of the Greater Good Science Center at Berkeley University, said parents should raise their children in a growth-minded way. Children with a growing mindset do not care about the opinions of others when they fail.

3. Responsibility : It is very important to give full responsibility to your child. If you end importantly responsibly, you will think that you are an important and necessary person in your family. By giving the child a role in which he can exert his / her strength and recognizing the contribution of the child, the child can be strengthened in self-confidence and belonging that can lead to happiness for a long time.

4. Build a bond : Focus on communication with your child and be able to understand what your child feels and what he / she has. It is also very important to express yourself that your child can feel all the emotions he has. Edward Hallowell, a child psychiatrist, emphasized that childhood filled with bond is the key to happiness. He added that all belonging and bonds of love, understanding and feeling can be the protector of the biggest child against emotional distress and dangerous behavior.

Parents should help them build relationships with others as well as their families. It is effective to be able to act kindly and trivially to strengthen empathy. Your child will be able to see happier and better people in the long run.

5. Experience of success and failure : It is essential to provide opportunities to learn and improve skills. It is a good idea to help the children experience the basics of life and to watch and observe doing what they can do. Seeing a child struggling can be quite challenging, but you can learn to try again and do better with failure. Be optimistic and encourage your child to actively see the good side of the failure.

6. Playing happily : Children should be given the freedom to feel pleasure. It is an experience that will allow you to look back on past years when you were able to laugh at your age. Children learn a lot while playing and develop their skills and physical abilities. Students should be able to balance time with reading and extracurricular activities.

Child psychologist Peter Gray said children get the most important lessons from peers other than adults. He advised that it would be wiser to learn that if the beneficial interactions of children are related to adults, it is much harder to learn and that they learn to work, share, talk and resolve conflicts in the group without parental supervision during play time.

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