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Joints where bones and bones meet. However, arthritis occurs when the joint is inflamed. There are two types of arthritis: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. When a child has arthritis, it is called rheumatoid arthritis. Pediatric rheumatoid arthritis occurs when the immune system attacks cells and tissues of the body.

Pediatric rheumatoid arthritis is also a disease that causes pain and swelling in the joints and is sometimes referred to as childhood idiopathic arthritis. It usually develops before the age of 16 years and can last for a long time, resulting in synovial inflammation. The synovium is a tissue that wraps around the inside of the joint.

As you know, this disease is an immune disorder. The immune system, which protects the body from foreign substances, causes the body to attack, and the exact cause has not yet been clarified. However, experts believe that pediatric rheumatoid arthritis is associated with genetic, specific infections or environmental factors.

Pediatric arthritis type

There are five types of childhood arthritis:

* Whole-Form Arthritis: Still's disease, a form of chronic rheumatoid arthritis that occurs in children. Symptoms include high fever and rash in general, and rashes in whole body, arms, and legs. It usually affects internal organs such as heart and liver, spleen and lymph nodes, but it does not affect the eyes. It can be caused by both men and women regardless of gender.

* Hydrophobic arthritis: This disease affects five joints in the first six months, with the knee, ankle and wrist being the most affected. Unlike previous models, it can also affect the eyes. Among them, iris is most affected and can cause a condition called uveitis, or iridocyclitis and iritis. It occurs more commonly in girls than in boys, but it is common to overcome most as you grow.

* Multiple arthritis: A disease known as polyarthritis (PJIA), affecting more than five joints in the first 6 months. It affects not only the hands and feet, but also the joints of the chin and neck. It is also more common in girls than in boys and is similar to the shape that occurs in adults.

* Psoriatic arthritis: It is a form that has both arthritis and skin psoriasis. A few years ago, when other parts of the disease began to develop, arthritis or psoriasis began to occur, often causing problems with the nails.

* Arthritis associated with osteoarthritis: arthritis affecting the osseointegration site and the eyes, buttocks, and spine. This type usually occurs in children 8 years of age or older, often with family history or relatives.

Causes of rheumatoid arthritis in children

As explained earlier, the cause of the disease has not yet been clearly identified. However, it is presumed that the disease is caused by autoimmune diseases. Experts judge that various factors act on the reason that the immune system attacks and destroys a healthy tissue.

Diagnostic method

If the child feels pain in the joints, the likelihood of arthritis is not 100%. Some symptoms may appear similar to other diseases, making diagnosis difficult. Currently, there are no tests that can confirm childhood arthritis. The doctor usually diagnoses the remainder, except for other conditions that can cause similar symptoms such as bone disease or fracture, fibromyalgia, infection, Lyme disease, lupus or cancer.

Parents should also disclose all information about their child's symptoms and ask for a physical examination. X-rays or blood tests can be performed on the test, especially if the X-rays are more likely to detect damage or deformities. Liquid samples may also be collected from inflamed joints or spinal fluid.

Treatment method

Pediatric rheumatoid arthritis is commonly treated with exercise and medication in combination. Depending on the type of arthritis, the treatment plan may also vary. For example, more positive treatment is needed because a positive reaction in rheumatoid factor test may cause more joint damage.

Medications to relieve pain and swelling are also prescribed. This includes all medicines that can be purchased without a prescription. Non-prescription medications include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. However, if these drugs do not help, a stronger nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic may be suggested.

On the other hand, if symptoms are severe, steroid treatment may be needed to reduce swelling. In this case, a treatment for autoimmune disease can be prescribed. This drug slows the child's immune system and reduces joint damage. However, no additional surgery is required. Severely injured joints may require soft tissue surgery, but this is only the case when the joints are bent or deformed.

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