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Today, the lifetime of digital devices is becoming more common. Social media, which is in the middle of it, is becoming a major factor in changing human life. The way they communicate directly, sharing things, and building relationships with people around them all have a lot to do with it.

It's easy to think that only young and younger generation are familiar with social media, but in fact parents with young children also use social media a lot. Mostly Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc., these platforms are now part of everyday life for parents.

However, this way of life has side effects. Just as parents share their children's lives through social media and make the part of their responsibilities obscure, new words related to the behavior of these parents have emerged. It is 'sharenting', a combination of share and parents. It means an act of sharing and conveying too much information about your child to social media. However, experts point out that these digital behaviors should be cautious because they also affect the use of their children's social media.

Sharing Parents

It is no exaggeration to say that most parents today have one social media account. To share social media with your neighbors and friends by posting information about your child. This means that if you previously only had a meaningful time with your child in a photo or video, you can now share your child's every move with a single click. In addition, there are parents who upload pictures and images because their appearance or behavior is somewhat ridiculous or embarrassing, but because they look just as pretty to their parents' eyes, which can have a negative impact on the privacy of their children. After all, all these actions can make your child aware that it is socially necessary to share his or her daily life with others.

In particular, the act of uploading pictures and stories to your social media without your consent may deny your child freedom and security. At first, you should always be aware of the dangers that may occur when you see people, regardless of whether you start off without hesitation.

In addition, it is pointed out that social media is being used as a parent's diary, and the way in which children are formed is also changing. For example, if there is an event or other event that you would like to share on social media, your hand moves first to a digital device such as a smartphone without delay. Rather than celebrating with your child and remembering those moments, the primary purpose of communicating these moments to social media is their main purpose. This blows away valuable opportunities to form special interactions and bonds with your child.

Some parents do not realize that they are moving away from their children while they are socializing on a smartphone and concentrating on other things. Parents, on the other hand, should be able to teach their child that they value the real world and that it is more valuable to spend time face-to-face with people rather than spend time on social media.

How Shealing Affects Your Child

Parents are role models of their children. That is, it is a role that gives children wisdom and guidance. Especially, children in childhood are more important because they imitate and absorb their parents' behavior quickly, and if parents are involved in sharing through social media at this time, problems can arise. This is because it is likely that the child will grow up as he or she mimics the behaviors of these parents or argues about the behavior of parents who share their childhood with others after growth.

In addition, children may misunderstand that they are expecting their social behavior to share their photographs or images in social media while continuing to contact parental sharing. And if you use social media extensively, you can live a narcissistic way. It is becoming everyday and self-centered thinking to open oneself to others. This allows you to build relationships with other people through social media and even make them dependent on social media. In conclusion, as the child grows he lacks empathy for others and empathy for others.

As mentioned earlier, parents who share too much with social media can neglect their privacy and safety. Sharing confused pictures with children without their consent is also related to infringement of their privacy. It is important to note that when a child enters puberty and does not understand the behaviors of these parents, the parent may rather be anger of the child.

Parents who spend too much time in front of their children on digital devices can also affect their children's emotional and social conditions. MIT's social psychologist Sherry Tucker said in an article in Forbes that if children feel isolated from their parents, it can lead to anxiety or depression, and that their children may refuse to talk to their parents and get hurt.

Stop sharing

As such, social media and the Internet can become human friends and enemies at the same time. You must be able to recognize the results of your responses to posts you post on social media or the Internet. In this regard, we disclose some ways to maintain social media and strengthen relationships with your children.

1. Time and space limitations : It is effective to set a minimum of 30 to 45 minutes a day when you are doing social media. Social media is best when you take a nap even if your child is at school or at home. It is also a good idea to designate a place where you do not use the phone in your home. In this space, families can spend a good time maintaining an intimate relationship.

2. Think once more before clicking : When posting on social media, it's a good idea to have one more time to think about it at the last minute. This is the same general rule that anyone should follow when using social media. When you share your child's daily photos or images, you should think about the results after that. It is essential to be aware that it can be a threat to safety.

3. Staying with your child at all times : It is natural for parents to spend time with their children. Keep in mind that it is more valuable to watch your child's precious moments with your own eyes than to take care of social media when your child is in front of you.

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