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Most of the decisions about children are taken by parents. By the way, children grow up and become teenagers. When they become adults, they have to make their own decisions.

Parents who have the ability to determine their own way of life but over-control it can have a negative impact on their children's well-being.

In one psychological medium, psychological control of the parents and authoritarian control were referred to as 'guilty'. Psychological control is when parents do not give affection as a result of their child's behavior or give guilt to their children. Authoritarian control is the act of forcibly depriving the child of his or her decision, and this action triggers anger and contempt, rather than encouraging positive changes in the child.

Most parents do so because they have experienced the same situation as their children when they were young. However, this attitude of the parents has a serious effect on the development of the child.

Parents should be aware of how to establish and manage relationships with their children. It depends on your child's self-determination ability. Of course, babies can not make their own decisions, so parents must make good decisions for their babies.

However, if a child grows up, they must be given permission and control from their parents, but they can make their own decisions anyway. Therefore, two-way communication, that is, respect for each other, active listening and trust, is a way to strengthen the relationship between parents and children.

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