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If one day your child 's eyes appear red with red blood, you are more likely to have conjunctivitis. It is also known as Pinkeye in English. It is one of the most common eye diseases found in all ages, including infants. The conjunctiva, which is a thin tissue layer covering the eyes and the inside, is affected and is called conjunctivitis.


Conjunctivitis is a type of eye infection that is commonly found in children. Because it is usually contagious, it can be transmitted if you use a kindergarten or playground frequently. Of course, teenagers and adults alike.

The conjunctiva is a transparent mucosa covering the inside of the eyelid and the outermost part of the eyeball. If the conjunctiva is inflamed, the eye becomes congested and becomes conjunctivitis. However, since it is considered a relatively mild infection, it is not fatal or serious. However, if your young child has conjunctivitis, getting a diagnosis at the hospital is effective. In addition, since conjunctivitis itself is contagious, it is best to stay in the house for a while to reduce the likelihood of transmission to others. Of course, some types disappear quickly within a few days as they naturally heal.

Conjunctivitis is caused by viruses, bacteria, allergens or stimulants. They cause inflammation in the conjunctiva, causing one or both to turn red. A child may experience some discomfort due to congested eyes.

Signs and Symptoms

Conjunctivitis may also cause discomfort in the eyes as well as redness. In the case of children, you may feel as if sand is in your eyes. Often conjunctival pain and edema are secreted from the eyes, and some children are susceptible to swelling of the eyelids or sensitive to bright light.

Moreover, the most threatening is infectious, so if your child is caught, do not go outdoors for a few days, and if you find another child with conjunctivitis, you should avoid contact. It can also be infected with coughing and sneezing and can also spread through the air.


Common causes of conjunctivitis include ear infections, bacteria and viruses that cause colds and other infections such as sinusitis and sore throat. In some cases, the same kind of bacteria may cause chlamydia and gonorrhea, or two STDs. Newborns may also be exposed to conjunctivitis. However, newborns are at risk because they can develop into serious health problems if not treated immediately. Also, if a pregnant woman has a sexually transmitted disease, a bacteria or virus can get into the baby's eye and cause blood congestion during delivery. To prevent this, doctors usually give the baby an antibiotic ointment or eyedrop shortly after birth, which can sometimes cause mild chemical conjunctivitis. But most of it is spontaneously soluble


If you think your child's eyes have become red-blooded, your parents should immediately take them to the hospital to find out the cause and find out the appropriate treatment plan. In addition, other serious eye diseases may show signs similar to conjunctivitis, so it is advisable to have a confirmation through a possible screening. Such as severe pain, blurred vision, eye swelling or irritability.


Usually, virus-induced conjunctivitis disappears naturally after a certain period of time without treatment. Antibiotic eye drops or ointment may be prescribed for bacterial sex.

Parents can drop eye drops into the eyes of the child directly. And the child will open his eyes so the medicine can flow inward. Antibiotic ointment that penetrates through the thin layer between the eyelid and the melt may be prescribed.

If allergic conjunctivitis, antiallergic drugs can be prescribed in the form of pill, liquid or eye drops.

Anyway, the best way is prevention. Especially young children may touch hygiene habits because they touch and touch curiously even though they are dirty objects. To prevent conjunctivitis, you should wash your hands frequently and it is recommended that you replace the cover or blanket regularly.

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