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The new year is bright in 2018. Parents also make a pledge with the bright new year. A really good decision to improve the attitude and attitude of parents while raising the quality of their children's life sufficiently. If you have not already done so, here are a couple of "tryable" behavior guidelines for parents here.

1. Always there

As a parent, it is important to give your child a lot of advice and information, but it is also important to show a lot of interest and affection for your children to feel. Just do not think of a simple idea of ​​bringing children together in one place in the house to interact. It is no wonder that parents should always be there to listen to whenever they want to talk even if they are light.

The best time to use it is to eat together. At this time, you can encourage your child to bring out his concerns and personal problems. In fact, according to a Canadian study, the presence of parents at meal times was found to play a significant role in the child's physical health and psychological well-being. The researchers explained that eating time is a very good opportunity for social interaction between parents and their children.

2. Teaching freedom and temperance

I understand that I am concerned about all kinds of behaviors of my child, but I do not need to seriously respond to basic things such as walking or speaking, toilet training, etc., which have to go through my childhood. When you are bigger and need to ride a bicycle or take a bath yourself, do not observe and observe all the small things.

Instead of emphasizing the training law or your own initiative, it is good to have your children have enough time to learn. Don''t be tolerant of health and social factors such as child's manners, manners, sleeping, and eating.

3. Prohibit cell phone while driving

It is the most basic but also a necessary behavior for children and parents. Even if you are not drunk driving, when you use a smartphone and you drive, your attention may be dispersed and you may end up not wanting it.

4. Recreation instead of sound

It is a lot of work for children to stimulate their parents' patience and eventually irritate and nervous. But you can not raise your voice at that point. Screaming can only add stress without solving anything. Instead, you should be able to control your self while resting, resting, and resting until you calm down.

Also, a child who is surprised by the shout of the parent may not open the door of the heart to the parents.

5. Slowly

The environment always changes rapidly. Everything is moving fast and changing today, but it is not necessary to reveal the mysterious aspect of the house, the place to take a break. On the weekend afternoon, it is especially necessary to be more relaxed. It's a good idea to make weekend plans, but sometimes you need to spend time playing board games with your kids in the late afternoon. This time is also an opportunity to make the family feel more bond.

6. 'Likes' is moderately

Even if you are obsessed with the likes of Facebook, you should not be prepared to click on all the actions of your children. A common problem for parents is that they say "good" unnecessarily or excessively to all the words and actions of the ever-growing children. Sometimes it is necessary to be able to suppress the bad habits of the children by using a denial that is not good or bad to bite the nails.

7. Escape from the screen

In the past, I would have nagged the kids with watching TV, but now there are so many devices on the screen. Parents should be careful not to let their children stay for a long time on devices such as smart phones, computers, tablets and game machines as well as TVs.

The most common is also a smartphone, and the California Department of Health has advised parents to minimize the use of smartphones by children last year. It is important to minimize physical and mental health by reducing the exposure time of the mobile phone to radiation or radio frequency. Exposure to long-term exposure may cause headaches and may cause cancer.

8. Self-compensation

Parents should also be self-compensating in order to reduce stress and maintain mental health. It is a wise choice to have a relaxing bubble bath or get a massage for long enough. The energy to nurture a child is enormous, and if you do not have time for self-rewarding or recharging, jeans can be lost.

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