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Photo Source: Petr Kratochvil / Free Stock Photos

In 2009, a fire broke out in the summer cottage of Albert Church and Hazel Church in Clinton Township, Pennsylvania, USA.

Albert Kutch's fishing boat was the only remaining lakeside after the fire, and now Charlotte Ai and her family live in a fire scene.

Charlotte, the granddaughter of Albert and Hazel, inherited the building that her grandfather purchased in the early 1900s.

Charlotte has all the memories she spent on the lake shore every summer.

She continues to cherish the summer house, and her husband Ralph and his children Christopher and Jessica also share memories.

The Iori family rebuilt the cottage after the fire.

Charlotte turned Albert 's fishing boat into a garden and planted various flowers, and on the bow, she also nicknamed the "fisherman" alive.

Charlotte also filled her memories with the garden in front of the cottage.

In the center of the garden full of various plants stands a flagpole marked "Nana's favorite garden". Nana is the nickname of Charlotte who became grandmother.

The flag also contains the names of her grandchildren, the flowers that are most lovable to her.

Like Charlotte's childhood, children like to play on the lake and help grow the garden.

Charlotte said, "My 3-year-old grandchild's favorite thing is sitting in the dirt, and when I grow a garden, most of the kids are here with me."

Charlotte 's son cares mainly for a mini garden next to the house. If you follow the lawn, you will find a garden with a bicycle and a swing.

Charlotte's family gather at Charlotte's house next to the lake as the seminar ends. Throughout the summer, families can enjoy a long summer break by swimming, boating and swimming in the lake.

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