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Cat's asthma is a dangerous disease that causes airway obstruction or inflammation.

If your cat suffers from coughing, difficulty breathing, or breathing open your mouth, you may suspect asthma. Even veterinarians do not know exactly what causes or treat asthma, but there are medications that can help cats to breathe.

The symptoms of cats' asthma can be confused with the choking caused by hairballs or some food. Asthma makes the cough cough, but after coughing it appears to have returned to normal. These symptoms must be considered to determine whether the veterinarian will be confirmed asthma.

Cat asthma

Feline asthma, very similar to human asthma, is a chronic inflammation of small airways present in the cats lung. According to one professional media, when asthma occurs, the pathway becomes thicker and narrower, making it harder for the cat to breathe.

This can cause a sudden dyspnea. The lungs also begin to secrete mucus from the airways causing coughing and wheezing breathing. In some cats with mild asthma, a mild cough is chronic.

Asthma can be a fatal problem, and every coughing cats need to see a veterinarian.

Asthma symptoms

The symptoms of cats' asthma can go on rapidly or progress slowly over days or weeks. Mild clinical symptoms may be limited to intermittent cough. Some cats stop vomiting or eating.

Severe asthma attacks can be associated with signs such as respiration. When a cat is suffering from dyspnea, the neck may be pulled out long or the motion of the ribcage may be large and distinct.

Severe asthma attacks are considered an emergency. If you suspect that your cat has a respiratory illness, you should call your veterinarian immediately.

Clinical symptoms associated with cat asthma may be similar to other respiratory diseases. Cardiovascular, bronchitis and respiratory infections can present clinical symptoms similar to cats asthma.

Causes of asthma attacks

Cats with asthma also suffer from exercise-related seizures, stress can cause a cold or make the symptoms worse, according to one professional media. For this reason, when a cat suffers a seizure, the stress of the person can be transferred, so try to keep calm as much as possible.

Many of the allergens involved in human asthma attacks also cause asthma in cats. This includes smoke, household cleaners, powders, pollen, cat sands and cold, humid air.

Cat asthma diagnosis

Asthma symptoms can be similar to symptoms that occur in other diseases such as swine, pneumonia, and heart failure, so it is important for the veterinarian to determine the cause of the seizure.

According to one professional media, there are no specific tests for asthma, but radiology, blood tests, bronchial secretions and parasite tests can be performed to rule out other diseases.

Unfortunately, a single test can not confirm cats' asthma. Diagnosis begins with cats' past history of coughing, wheezing, or abnormal breathing.

A physical examination may involve the process of rubbing the throat to cause coughing when the veterinarian stethoscopes the cat lung with a stethoscope. Also, without a stethoscope, abnormal breathing and lung sounds may be heard.

X-rays of cats with asthma can represent a typical abnormal pattern of the lungs. Unfortunately, not all radiographs of cat asthma are helpful for confirmation.

When trying to diagnose cats asthma, the problem is that asthma symptoms are usually temporary. Therefore, the veterinarian may have difficulty in diagnosing the condition of the cat through physical examination or X-ray unless the symptoms occur, even when the physical examination and X-ray examination are in progress.

Asthma can be similar to other respiratory illnesses such as willpox infection, heart disease and respiratory infection. Veterinarians can recommend basic and specific tests to rule out these conditions.

Treatments and medications for cats and asthma

There is no cure for asthma, but it focuses mainly on medication that opens the airways, medication that reduces inflammation and promotes respiration.

Treatments increase the airway diameter of cats and relieve inflammation and stress. Generally, when a large-scale operation is needed for easy cat breathing, it is usually focused on acute episodes.

Occasional oxygen therapy is needed, and occasional hospitalizations are needed to maintain treatment and observation. However, many cats can be treated with simple daily treatments that reduce acute asthma attacks in the home.

Even oral medication and inhalation therapy can be used daily or in emergency situations. Although not all cats are suitable for inhalation therapy, most cats can become accustomed to this approach, which makes it easier to manage cat asthma.

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