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Any guardian who raises a puppy will want his puppy to be able to learn a simple piece of training. I try to learn the related books by reading books, attending training classes, or watching training videos. However, if you teach through the wrong information without expertise, it can cause side effects. In fact, training dogs requires constant effort and patience, and it is too early to conclude that puppies do not follow suit with just a few exercises.

In this regard, we introduce some of the actions that most guardians make in dog training.

Guardian's posture

All puppies are trained and must be confident enough to learn new skills and commands. However, if you continue to receive reprimand or citation from your caregiver, you may no longer be interested in training and you may not want to do it. The protector also looks like this, and it is not good that his puppy can prejudge that he is not willing to learn and his tendency is not flexible. The caregiver is most likely to approach training in a positive way, which can lead to mistakes in the process. I will reveal a few things.

1. Patience and Patience Absence

Puppy training, as mentioned earlier, requires much time and guidance before puppies can fully master the technology. Each dog has his / her own pace and learns skills while learning at this pace. It is unreasonable for the guardian to predict when he or she will achieve the goal.

Sometimes I get frustrated because I get stressed out of my training or my puppy comes up a bit late, but this feeling only hinders good results. In addition, the stress of the protector can be passed on to the puppy as well, making the situation worse. This causes the puppy to lose interest in the training. It is a good idea to keep the training time as short as 10 to 15 minutes and to approach positive reinforcement methods that give praise and rewards when you do the right thing.

2. Physical abuse

You do not have to show yourself that you are stronger than your dog. Using force because of behavioral correction is ineffective. Some protesters strike a dog or hold a neck and put a strap on it, in the name of rigorous training. However, this behavior is dangerous because it can eventually cause the dog to be afraid of his or her guardian and turn it into an aggressive posture. It is inevitable that difficulties arise when training dogs that do not communicate. However, it is necessary to realize that it is the worst to choose to use force or violence as a way of solving this problem.

3. Continuous command looping

One of the common mistakes that most guardians make during training is that they do not give the puppy time to understand while repeating words consistently. It is not possible to get the correct result by repeating the command alone without waiting for the dog's response to the command. This is just the act of recognizing that puppies do not need to respond to their orders. To teach correctly, wait for the dog's response to the command. If you do not respond, it is ideal to wait a while and then start again from the beginning.

4. How to use wrong compensation

The essential factor in training puppies is to use things that can be compensated for, such as snacks. According to one study, reward-based education is the most effective tool for acquiring new skills. However, some guardians use it in the wrong way. It is just to make the pupil see the reward object.

When a puppy grasps a snack in front of his hand and talks to the commander, the puppy responds positively to the reward with the right response. This is a very good effect, but if there is no compensation, it can show a state that does not react properly to the command. It is far more desirable to provide snacks to praise the dogs after they have done the right thing, rather than always showing the snacks before the eyes when training.

Compensation is usually a snack, but other favorite toys, praise, hugging, and playfulness may also apply. It is effective to use various things in a balanced way without using one compensation.

5. Inexperienced emotion management

Dogs are very sensitive to human emotions and moods, and can detect if their caregiver is under stress or in good mood. It is not a positive experience for puppies to train in situations where the guardian is not feeling well. And the protagonist's facial expressions and emotional descriptions that appear when a mistake is committed can be passed on to the puppy, making the situation worse. It is better to take a break rather than training or play another game. And when it is recharged, it is good to have training time with dog again.

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