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The cruciate ligament is a ligament in the knee joint that, when properly operated, can prevent knee flexion and tightening, but it can cause great pain if injured. There are also these cruciate ligaments in pets, and the dogs' cruciate ligament injury is one of the most common surgical problems as well as humans.

In fact, the cruciate ligament is an important part of the puppy knee. Often called anterior curicate ligament (ACL), it is very painful and can not move simultaneously when injured.

Puppy cruciate ligament

In cruciate ligaments, the word cross means literally the form of the cross. It consists of two bands of fibrous tissue located in each joint of the knee. It connects the femur and tibia and serves as a knee hinge joint.

One of the two bands extends outward from the front of the knee joint, and the other crosses from the outside to the inner and middle points. The ligaments of the dog are very important parts of the body that can be called the skull and tail.

Cruciate ligament injury cause

Cruciate ligament injuries in dogs can result from a variety of causes. For example, a healthy dog ​​can get injured when he or she is injured while doing physical activity. This can happen if you are unable to properly position yourself when you are running or jumping. Or, overweight or obesity, the body becomes heavy due to weakened joints can occur. Proper weight maintenance of dogs is an important factor for joints. Some varieties also suffer injuries from ligament injuries.

In addition, as dogs become aging, the cruciate ligaments can regress like humans and joints can become weak and unstable. If this condition is not treated properly, ligaments can easily tear during walking and other routine activities. And arthritis and other knee problems can also stress the cruciate ligament, and over time, this stress weakens the ligament and makes it tear easily. For younger animals, frequent jumping or spinning activities can cause injury to the cruciate ligament, even if the ligaments are healthy.

Diagnostic method

The method of diagnosing the cruciate ligament is a physical examination. By checking every aspect of the dog's body and examining the previous history together, the guardian should be able to provide the veterinarian with all medical information about the dog.

These surgeries and other diagnostic tests can also often be sedated. The sedative acts to relax the puppy's muscles to make it easier to detect subtle physical exam results. At present, this sedation is considered the only way to ensure a complete and safe examination.

During the physical examination, the veterinarian perceives that there is an abnormality in the knee of the dog, and it is understood that the cruciate ligament can no longer maintain a stable knee. This can be confirmed by x-ray.

Arthroscopy is also used to diagnose rupture of the cruciate ligament and to evaluate the meniscus. Anesthesia is injected under the judgment of the veterinarian, the incision is made between the skin and the knee, and the optical fiber endoscope is inserted. Then the veterinarian uses a video monitor to determine the nature and extent of the injury by looking at the cruciate ligaments and meniscus inside the knee.

A loose test can also be done. A lump determines whether or not a person is struggling to walk or move in response to pain or injury, and the veterinarian diagnoses the dog's condition through a specific movement called skull or anterior displacement. Abnormal movements in front of the tibia in front of the femur may indicate an abnormality of the knee joint.

Treatment Options

Several factors are considered for treatment, including the severity and duration of the injury, the age of the dog, and height and physical condition. If the puppy is less than about 13 kg, it can be treated without surgery, accompanied by medication or physical therapy. But if you weigh more than 13kg, surgery is a better option. Of course, most dogs require surgery, but some can improve their condition through conservative treatment. For example, walking in a calm manner for a short period of time, but very much should be done.

Some veterinarians wear knee protectors or prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs. However, this method is often considered to have no effect. Small dogs can stay in the cage and expect to recover. However, even if it is recovered from injury, it can be recurred again in the future, so careful care of the caregiver is required.

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