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If you are a 'deacon' who is raising a cat, you might have seen a cat chewing grass. If you are the first person to raise cats, you may be surprised that the cat suddenly eats grass. But do not worry. Cats should have adequate amounts of grass for their health. Because cats are predators, they lack the enzymes needed to break down plant material. So I eat grass for easy digestion.

The grass contains folic acid. Folic acid is a vitamin that helps the production of hemoglobin in the blood of cats. In addition, the grass also plays a role in eliminating hairballs and other hairs on the cat's digestive tract. Because cats always groom their bodies, they must eat their hair and regularly spit it out.

However, we should be aware that some of the plants we grow at home are harmful to cats. If the cat is not a cat or a safe grass that does not have pesticides on it, you can raise it in small pots. Cats will be more interested in catglas than other plants.

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