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▲ When a hedgehog hits a mite, the skin, thorns and fur become inflamed (Source: Pixar Bay)

Like a spider or a mite, the mite is also a red or black small spider. Hedgehogs can cause rashes on thorns and fur as well as on skin when bitten by biting mites. Mites are easily transmitted from one hedgehog to another, but are easy to prevent and treat. Unlike external parasites such as ticks and fleas, they are not transmitted to humans.

Mite tick or mite infection can also occur with hedgehogs. Hedgehogs Mite mites look like small spots on the underside of the thorns and on the skin, causing itching and rash.


It is very difficult to see visually, but the damage caused by the hedgehog is very accurate. However, early signs and symptoms of OM infection are difficult to detect. It depends on the sensitivity of the hedgehog which is bitten by the mite. Hedgehogs that are bitten by a mite are rashes and hair and thorns fall off. The normal hedgehog has a tendency to molt, but the hair loss caused by ostrich mites is abnormal and looks like a definite lesion. Other symptoms such as itching, anorexia, lethargy, bruising and dandruff are also present in the hedgehog.

Diagnosis of mites

An exotic animal veterinarian will take a sample of the skin and hair of a hedgehog and undergo microscopic examination of the microorganism. Skin samples are not 100% accurate, but if you have a lot of mites, you can easily detect their presence. And once you get a pet hedgehog at least once a year, you can find the problem early and get the proper treatment. The veterinarian can check the evidence of mites or other external parasites and perform a diagnostic test to see if there are other diseases that cause itching.

The only way the owner can do this at home is to put the hedgehog on black paper and watch the hedgehog scratching the body. Because mites can be easily identified on a dark background.

Cause of mites

The mite can be infected by various routes. New hedgehog adoptions, bedding and feeding are common causes. For example, when a hedgehog is raised near a rodent or bird, it can easily catch on a mite. Natural products, such as food and cage flooring, can also infect hedgehogs with microbial mites.

There are three species officially known to be infected with hedgehogs: Caparinia, Chorioptes, and Notoedres. These mites are transmitted by contact between hedgehogs.

One of the causes of mites is feeding (Source: Pixar Bay)

Cure for infectious mites

Hedgehog mites are species-specific parasites that are not transmitted to other animals.

Currently, only hedgehog treatment that can treat hedgehog om ticks has not been released. Therefore, veterinarians can recommend treatments for dogs and cats. Topical cats can be safe, but should be used under the direction of a veterinarian. Veterinarians can recommend topical flea powder, room spray, insect pest repellent. But the most important thing is to clean the house and the pet hedgehog where it is most active. The eggs and adult mites of the mite can migrate from the hedgehog body to the carpet or the house in a short time.

On the other hand, certain treatments should never be used for hedgehogs. Therefore, appropriate topical treatments should be used in accordance with the veterinary advice.

Prevention of hedgehog om tick

Prevention is always more important than treatment. To do this, periodically check the porcupine skin. You must wash your hands when handling a porcupine and then touching the other porcupine. And if you adopt a new hedgehog, you should isolate it for about a week and then check for signs of mites or other diseases. And do not expose any items suspected of infesting mites. Also, according to the instructions of the veterinarian, the pet hedgehog must be raised safely from mites and other parasites.

If you adopt a new hedgehog, you should isolate it for a week and observe signs of mites or other diseases (Source = Wikimedia Commons)
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