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Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs caused by infection by microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and fungi. In addition, non-infectious pneumonia may be caused by chemicals or radiation therapy. Pneumonia can be suspected through fever, cough, and sputum respiratory symptoms, and the chest radiograph can be used to diagnose the lung changes. It is not easy to identify causative microorganisms, but it is possible to diagnose the causative organism by culturing the causative microorganisms by receiving the sputum, culturing the test solution, and urine antigen test.

About pneumonia symptoms

Symptoms of pneumonia vary from early on depending on the progression of pneumonia. Early symptoms of pneumonia include systemic symptoms throughout the body, coughs due to respiratory stimuli, sputum due to the release of inflammatory substances, and difficulty breathing due to impaired breathing function. Sputum can be sticky and pus-like, and blood can also come out. Early diagnosis of pneumonia is possible because it can be easily recognized. However, if the initial symptoms of pneumonia are taken lightly, inflammation may invade the pleura, leading to symptoms of pneumonia such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, fatigue, muscle aches and joint pain. Severe obstruction of oxygen exchange can lead to death due to respiratory failure.

About pneumonia treatment

Treatment of pneumonia depends on the causative organism and can be treated with antibiotics. In severe cases of pneumonia, even if appropriate antibiotics are used, progressive disease progresses and sometimes death. Therefore, rapid pneumonia treatment is important for early symptoms of pneumonia. The duration of pneumonia for the treatment of pneumonia is usually 2 weeks unless complications or pneumonia caused by resistant bacteria are present. In severe cases, the duration of pneumonia can be increased for more than 3 weeks. In some cases, the intensive care unit may need treatment depending on the respiratory system.

About pneumonia vaccination

The pneumococcal vaccination is carried out with the aim of influenza and pneumococcus. Influenza vaccine reduces the hospitalization rate and mortality rate of pneumonia. The vaccination target is people aged 65 years or older, people suffering from chronic medical conditions, and medical staff. The pneumococcal vaccine can be divided into the 23-dose vaccine and the recently developed 13-dose vaccine. The 23-dose vaccine should be given one more dose after 5 years with a slight decrease in effectiveness over time after pneumococcal vaccination.

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