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Food poisoning is a health problem due to ingestion of food or food, and more than 80% of the cases occur between May and September.

Food poisoning is largely divided into three types. 'Chemical food poisoning' caused by chemical substances such as 'natural poisoning food poisoning', food additives and residual pesticides, and 'bacterial food poisoning' caused by ingesting contaminated food containing bacteria, viruses and the like.

Food poisoning symptoms

The most serious food poisoning in summer is bacterial food poisoning. As the temperature rises, bacteria or viruses multiply rapidly.

Campylobacterium easily grows in the intestines of livestock including chickens. In particular, when the temperature is high in summer, the growth of Campylobacter spp. Becomes active. If the meat contaminated with Campylobacter spp. Is not fully cooked or is ingested by reproduction, infection with Campylobacter spp.

Typical symptoms of food poisoning include vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. In severe cases, fever, chills, stools, dehydration, kidney dysfunction and neurological symptoms (language impairment, weakness, diplopia, dysphagia) may be seen.

Prevention of food poisoning

Prevention is the best cure for food poisoning. According to Professor Cho Yong-seok, it is important to eat enough after first learning. In the case of fish and shellfish, it is better to boil for at least 1 minute in boiling water and eat thoroughly. Secondly, wear plastic gloves when handling food.

Do not neglect to wash the ingredients thoroughly before cooking. Since eggshells are often contaminated with Salmonella, it is advisable to wash them with water or wipe them with a kitchen towel before breaking the eggs. Though stored in the refrigerator, old ones should be avoided.

How to deal with food poisoning symptoms

If you have symptoms of food poisoning, you should refrain from eating first and drink plenty of water. Drinking sugar or salt in boiled water or drinking ionic drinks is helpful. It is good to eat food from diarrhea-free food such as sesame or rice porridge when diarrhea decreases.

Dehydration is severe If you are in a weak condition or vomiting is severe and you can not drink water, you need a fluid supply at the hospital. If you have severe blood or fever, you may be prescribed antibiotics at your doctor's discretion.

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