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Self-esteem is a psychological factor that is difficult to raise once it gets lower. Source: Pixar Bay

Self-esteem is a psychological factor that is difficult to raise easily once it is lowered. When it becomes hard to love and respect oneself, it becomes difficult to share emotional sharing with others. This leads to low sociality and can be a psychological problem that can not be solved.

Too strong self-esteem is not good, but too low self-esteem can lead to difficulties in social life.

Self-esteem means self-respect and love. It is the general idea and consciousness about how much you think about yourself. Such self-esteem can lead to a certain degree of self-awareness and a process of consolidating oneself in society by having such self-confidence.

However, these processes are generally not easily experienced when self-esteem is low. If self-esteem is low, you can not have confidence in yourself, and it is difficult to easily get through when social life or difficult things happen.

For this reason, self-esteem must be raised. Learn more about how to increase self-esteem.

You have to give yourself the confidence that you can do it.

I am conscious of others' gaze. Interpersonal relationship is not so good, and it has an inferiority feeling comparing with the opponent and oneself. I do not want to know much about my own potential. These are characteristics of low self-esteem. Self-esteem is too high, but if self-esteem is low, it can be a bigger problem.

Having a heart that loves oneself is the basis of how to increase self-esteem. Source: Pixar Bay

Low self-esteem can be a bit of a psychological problem, but it can be due to other mental illnesses. Many teenagers who are exposed to various psychological stress situations such as game addiction and bullying are suffering from youth depression symptoms. In addition, if you have a mental illness like ADHD, you are often worried about your self-esteem. Especially, if you are delaying ADHD treatment and become an adult ADHD, you may feel difficulty in social life.

In general, people think of self-esteem as a way to increase the self-esteem, self-esteem and highlights are. But this superficial method alone does not increase self-esteem. It is necessary to use a more careful and careful self-esteem.

When self-esteem is low, it is often self-defeated. ▲ Source: Pixar Bay

When self-esteem is low, mistakes often lead to self-criticism. In this case, it is better to think positively not to be buried in your own mistakes. People with low self-esteem often get more distracted by minor mistakes. In this case, it is a good idea to let the people around you recognize that mistakes are not uncommon and to have a lot of conversation. It is also a good idea to take a walk and talk together to overcome the lethargy.

Encouragement and advice around are also important.

Positive thinking is the most fundamental self-esteem. In particular, having positive thoughts about yourself is an essential attitude for those with low self-esteem. This is not easy, of course, but it is important to encourage self-confidence that the more negative thoughts come up, the more you can think of the things and experiences that you did well. Continuously encouraging oneself and marking successful things naturally increases self-esteem.

Continuing to believe in self-reliance is essential to inspiring self-esteem. Source: Pixar Bay

Thinking about positive experiences and encouragement, and thinking about past successes, is a way to increase self-esteem. However, in order to increase self-esteem, it is important to instill confidence that you can make positive stories and objective experiences around you. Especially, it is a great help for parents to do this because of the way to increase the self - esteem of children.

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