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Photo Source: Jamin Gray

ABC 'Downward Dog' series is known to pet lovers.

This series begins with Alison Tollman, the 30-year-old single woman who struggles for a harmonious balance between work and life.

Each episode evolves through the eyes and voices of the lonely, melancholy dog, Martin.

Martin 's role was a mixed dog of the American raccoon hound with the real name' Ned '. Unlike Tallman, Ned was not a candidate for either Amy or the Golden Globe. Sam Hodge dubbed the voice of Neo.

Pet enthusiasts were enthusiastic about this show, often posting social media watching "Downward Dog" with their dogs.

Tallman recently said that narrating a dog about the episode "Salon Talk" gives a unique smile.

The dog is next to him whenever he needs him, and he kisses him when he is tired. But Tollman does not know what the audience can hear and hear what the dog can hear.

In real life, Ned was a rescuer who lived in the Chicago No-Kil Shelter for a year and was later found by the programmer. Ned was trained for six months before appearing on the show.

Tollman said, "My job is to make friends with Ned, to believe and to love me."

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