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It turns out that the cockroach plays a very important role in the Chilean ecosystem.

According to a new study published in a scientific journal, the so-called Chilean cockroach (Moluchia brevipennis) grows wild in Central Chile forests and sucks pollen.

This process inadvertently helps to hydrate the plant.

So far, there have been two types of cockroaches that pollinate pollen.

It is a very rare species found in French Guiana and Malaysian Borneo.

"The Chilean cockroach is around dusk and eats pollen from many native plants and lays eggs in a plant called the" Puya, "which is a co-researcher of the Chilean research team and entomologist Dr. Christian Vyagra. I said.

Villagra researchers have theorized that "Cockroaches in Chile evolved to depend on plants for nesting and feeding in preparation for native plants to survive dry and harsh climates."

Their instincts to survive in the wild are compared to cockroaches indoors.

Further research is underway to confirm the role of Chilean cockroaches in supplying plant water.

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