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It is a dream to have a brother for a child who lived alone. However, since he usually welcomes his younger brother at a young age, he often has a sense of jealousy, not knowing what it means to have a brother. It is good to prevent rivalry between these brothers and sisters in advance as the children can grow into competitiveness as they grow.

Dr. Gail Grose has revealed several ways to do this.

Competitive Psychological Prevention

The first thing to do is to be prepared to get a new sibling. I can suggest various ways to do shopping with my child to prepare for the birth of a baby, to build a name together, or to ask about my younger brother to be born.

Let us know in advance whether the baby is a baby or a baby, and then let us begin the next plan. This makes them feel that they are not alienated in the process of the birth of their siblings, ultimately making them accept the birth of a new family.

At the end of the day, when the new baby returns home, it is also a good idea to hold a welcome ceremony to give the siblings a present they have prepared. This can be a special moment for the children and also serves as a link between the family and the baby. But you should not leave children and babies in the same room for things you do not know. Let's keep in mind that there is a place where you can solve your brother's frustration and jealousy wildly in a place without parents.

It should not happen that his room is missing because his brother is born. In this case, it can be thought that deprivation is considered to be less valuable to oneself. Also, you should not ask the baby to give up or write something he or she has used. Let him feel like he is handing his affection to his brother.

In order for children to feel that they are worthy as a family member, it is a good idea to remind them that the family is important. Let's take a picture of a family, a birthday card, etc., and put some collectibles or decorations on it. Let's talk about the situation when the children were born in the evening and the time of the birth.

It is also good to give a kind of compensation for the memorial of becoming brother, sister, or sister of the younger brother. For example, you can extend your bedtime by about 10 minutes. This allows children to have faith in their parents and to build confidence. However, you should not be held accountable or responsible for the fact that you have a younger brother. The logic of his brother 's burden is inadequate.

In this regard, parents should always treat their children fairly. If a newborn baby feels that he or she is receiving more attention and affection from the parents, it can lead to jealousy and competitive psychology. Children can be sensitive to newborn babies, and parents should not act against each other.

Not comparing children with each other is very important for nurturing. In that case, the children can feel uncomfortable and unloved by their parents, and grow up to cause frequent conflicts with their brothers and sisters. Even if you are not resentful or angered by your personality, you still feel that you are not worthy because you continue to have intense feelings. Instead of comparing children, if they understand each other's differences and value them, they can have confidence for a long time.

Another way to prevent fighting is to celebrate and encourage children when they have achieved or achieved their own individual goals. For example, when you have done errands or have acted kindly, praising and congratulating them gives you a chance to support each other.

The most important thing is the dialogue between parents and children. At least once a week, you should have a chance to make family conversation time and talk about it all in the right place. Parents also encourage their children to refrain from instruction and preaching during this time, and to create an environment where children can tackle trivia and secrets.

The best cross between siblings is three years. This is not only a time when children are getting bigger and less handed by their parents, but also parents can concentrate more on their siblings.

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