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According to a joint study between the Australian National University and the Salford University researchers in Britain, environmental changes that have caused a rapid decline in global temperatures around 10 million years ago have contributed to the evolution of Australian carnivorous animals. Animals belonging to the carnivorous family include more than 80 pocket cats.

The researchers combined genome data from living pouch cats and other Jewish animals with fossil records to see how these animals evolved over time.

As a result, a sudden drop in temperature around 10 million years ago led to the extinction of numerous Jewish species, including Tasmania's pocket wolf, a pocket-cat competitor. At this time, surviving pocket cats were able to live safely without being at risk of being attacked by their enemies.

Robin Beck of Salford University says three of the four major pocket cat groups have been diversified at the same time after a sudden drop in temperature, according to a study based on genome and fossil data for the evolution of pocket cats.

In other words, the types of pouch cats have become more diverse during the extinction of most animal species since the climate has changed dramatically.

Some species of pussy cat today are found only in Tasmania, Australia, and some species are found in the Australian mainland, New Guinea, and so on. In the past, climate change has evolved into pocket cats, but now they are in danger of extinction.

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