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Animals use intelligence to adapt to the environment and make important decisions.

Intelligence helps animals make decisions and adapt to the environment. Human beings are capable of decision-making, adaptation, and planning, and in this field they have an unrivaled intelligence on earth.

But over the past few years, scientists have discovered this kind of intelligence in nonhuman primates and other animals. One of the animals that challenge human intelligence is the crow.

Keeping food left over is a common feature of crows. Crows must finish their meal before the corpse of the animal decays. At this time, the crow decides when and where to keep the remaining food.

A study published in Science reported on the link between birds and instinctual behavior. The researchers gave a series of tasks to the crows, some of which took less than 17 hours to learn new tools to get food.

Even crows made tools using the materials they first saw.

This study shows that animals also have the ability to plan the future. The researchers explained that they were challenging the unique abilities of humanity on the planet.

Neurophysiological evidence can demonstrate the general intelligence theory of animals. Researchers who have given tasks to crows and observed that researchers need to study the flexibility and rapid development of animal behavior.

This study explains how crow's ability to plan the future can be related to intelligence.

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