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Studies have shown that crows are similar to chimpanzees in recognizing self-control. Large crows can see that they are being watched, and crows can solve puzzles. This is a technique comparable to human children and monkeys.

Scientists at Lund University in Sweden have found that crows have the ability to plan the future.

Cognitive zoologist Matthias Osbart gave puzzles to five large crows. Then I learned how to get some food out of the puzzle box and get food.

The crows then tried to open the puzzle box first, with or without tools. The female large crow opened the box without using any tools, and the remaining 86% of the large crows picked the right tools and opened the box.

In another experiment they taught crows to use tokens to receive food rewards from humans. Crows picked and used the right tokens to feed them.

Kabadai said in an interview with the NPR, "We knew that crows would have to spend more time to get bigger rewards. So we found out that the crows predict and move the value of the rewards they will get in the future. "

The researchers explained that crows performed similar to apes, opened up a way to investigate cognitive evolution and show that some birds' brains are smart.

But Marcus Boccle, a professor of psychology at Cambridge University, pointed out in his interview with Scientific American that "there are only a handful of experimental groups that can not represent the entire crow."

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