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A cell phone that has become a necessity for anyone these days. For non-adult students, mobile phones have become indispensable necessities in everyday life. It is now common to bring cell phones to school. Of course, there is also controversy. Some say that they should ban mobile phones such as smart phones because they interfere with school classes.

Family Media, a media agency, said in a survey of the Pew Research Center in 2010 that 65% of teenagers are taking their mobile phones to school. This is good news for some experts advocating the use of smartphones for study. In particular, Matthew Kearney, associate professor at the Sydney Institute of Technology, claims that mobile devices can be an ideal tool for students to collect project data or receive immediate feedback from others. Professor Kearney emphasized that even if students can not use their cell phones at school, they can still be used as learning tools outside the school.

Joanne Orlando, a researcher at the University of Western Sydney, also explained that cell phones are important for children to teach them how to live well into their present age. Good education is knowing how the use of technology helps in learning, working with ideas and communicating with others. Research shows that using technology can provide children with the ability to develop skills. There are also schools that accept mobile phones in this social atmosphere. According to recent data from the US Federal Bureau of Education Education Statistics (NCES), the number of schools that have banned mobile phones in the past six years has dropped from 91 percent to 66 percent.

Smartphone use for students

Cell phone use plays a very important role in the ability of digital use, which is an important part of children's school life. Here are some reasons why your child should use a smartphone in school.

1 Communication: The phone not only provides convenient functions for parents to keep in contact with their children, but also allows them to monitor their children. In addition, the position of the child can be checked at any time, and there is also an update function that can be tracked. In fact, according to Pew Research, 48% of parents use mobile phones to monitor their children. Even in an emergency situation, mobile phones allow your child to easily contact their parents to get help.

As such, having a cell phone itself can play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of a child in that the link between communication with the child can be maintained.

2 Instructional convenience: Cell phones can also be a convenient classroom aid tool for teachers. In fact, some teachers upload classes and learning materials on their smartphones to make it easier for children to access their mobile phones, which allows them to review materials at home. Children also have the opportunity to record teachers' lectures, play them at home, and review them through voice recording. Even testing can be done online via mobile phones. All of these provide time-saving benefits for both students and professors.

3 Convenient Data Collection: The ability to easily retrieve various data related to school classes from smartphones is also a big advantage. For example, parents can view academic articles essential to their child's school projects and theses on their smartphones. They can store materials, images, infographics, and other classroom-related materials on their devices. Subsequent memo, save and review functions can also be performed naturally.

Smartphone apps also allow children to search for words they do not understand, understand meaning, and learn more vocabulary. If you have a discussion in a school class, it is not difficult to find relevant facts or information on your smartphone. Even if you need to prepare a presentation, you can use it as a smartphone.

4 Schedule settings: There is also a feature that allows parents to create a child's learning calendar on a smartphone and create a productive schedule. Parents can use the Calendar app to do all of these things so they can remind them of the school schedule they can easily forget, such as test dates or task deadlines. In addition, it is easy to set schedule related to the school schedule, such as school documents, project start date or deadline.

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