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It is difficult for an adult to control impulse. If parents do not teach their children how to understand their emotions since childhood, it is possible that the child will develop behavioral problems as they grow. Children need appropriate and ongoing guidance to understand whether they are doing right or not.

Impulse control and success

Overseas media According to the Berry Well Family, impulse control is essential to success. We face a number of situations that test our patience in the process of growth and show our behavior through meeting new people. That is why all parents should teach their children self-control.

According to a study conducted by neuro-scientific researchers Sandra Aamodt and Sam Wang, self-control was found to be twice as important in intelligence as academic achievement, Respectively. Children who have good impulse control ability are easily able to resist pressure from their peers and have excellent problem-solving abilities. It also proved to be excellent in critical thinking ability and not to be frustrated by the problem.

Researchers around the world claim that parents can teach their children self-control. For example, Walter Mischel, a professor at Stanford University, experimented with marshmallows from 1960 to 1970. To test their ability to delay immediate satisfaction, researchers selected children aged 4 to 6 years. The researchers told the children that they would give one if they ate marshmallows now and two if they waited 15 minutes. Most children tried to wait 15 minutes to eat two marshmallows, but only 30% of them succeeded in waiting for 15 minutes. Children who have been successful in waiting for 15 minutes have a good ability to deal with anger and stress.

After this experiment, research was conducted to monitor the lives of children. Children with high impulse control were less likely to develop behavior problems and were more likely to maintain healthy relationships with others.

Ability to control impulse by age

Parents should teach their children to adjust their impulses from early on. The Berrywell family explained how to teach impulse control by age of children:

Infants: In infancy, there is a lack of self-control in every way, which is common. Children often do not know what they are doing at this time. It is best for parents to teach their children the value of patience.

Schoolchildren should be taught to respond to problems without acting aggressively.

Teenagers: Adolescents should be able to control their own impulses at times of mental vulnerability.

Teach your child to control impulse

According to the Children & Family Network Center, children should learn to control their emotions. This is a necessary factor in the growth and success of interpersonal relations. Mary Taverner, a family services manager, explained how to teach your child self-control as follows:

1 Parents should talk to children at eye level

Through this, children respect their parents and listen to their parents. When your child is angry, you should understand why you are angry, but make sure that aggressive behavior is inappropriate. For example, "If someone knocks down my block, my mother will be angry. But if you get upset, you should not hit the other person. "

2 Teaching to distinguish emotions

It is important to teach your child to understand what he / she feels since he was a child. If this practice is not successful, the child is more likely to act impulsively. Let's talk about the difference between emotion and behavior with your child.

3 Teaching problem-solving skills

Developing the ability to solve problems properly improves impulse control. Parents should teach their children problem-solving skills and help them think over and over again before deciding on something.

4 Teaching anger control

If you can not tolerate your complaint, you should teach your child how to control his anger because he is more likely to act impulsively. You should help them deal with their feelings in a healthy way.

5 Become a good role model

Children tend to observe and follow the behavior of people around them. For this reason, parents should show their patience to the children and put off immediate satisfaction. A study by researchers at the University of Toronto in Canada says it helps reduce impulsive behavior.

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