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Photo: Skeeze

Most animals breed in spring. The mother often leaves her newborn baby and leaves for food. This caused many Colorado residents to misunderstand that their young were abandoned.

Therefore, Colorado Parks and Wildlife Centers are urging residents to keep their kittens if they find them.

The best nutrition that newborn babies can get is usually from their parents. Therefore, bringing them in unreasonably for helping their offspring and separating them from parent animals is a tremendous harm to animals.

Most people do this to show kindness when they see animals alone.

Land biologist Janet George said, "It is natural for adults to leave only their young while they are looking for food. Baby birds often learn to fly near the nest. Baby mammals do not smell so badly that they can not find them. "

"When humans touch these animals, the smell of humans becomes infested with them, and their parent animals do not recognize their cubs or even become afraid. That's when parents actually drop their babies, "she added.

Because of the good behavior of people, animals can have unexpected illnesses. So if you see the cubs left alone, you should leave them alone.

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