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Still immature children look around and around the world with a different eye than adults. In the eyes of children, rainbows and unicorns appear and monsters sing, so that they can feel various happiness, joy, and feelings of hope.

At the same time, I can feel fearful, frightful, and frightful fright. These emotions of children can, however, cause psychological and mental problems. It is wise for parents to teach them how to overcome early so that they do not have too much of an effect on these negative feelings.

Understanding your child's feelings

Prior to teaching children how to overcome fear and anxiety, parents first need to be aware of and sensitive to the emotions and emotions of their children. According to one survey, 43 percent of children aged 6 to 12 have a lot of fear and concern. These negative feelings of childhood are natural and normal, helping to grow. Fear of this growth evolution may include darkness, strangers, or fear of being alone.

Fear is generally a response to danger. Recognizing the risks that you will encounter and encounter, these fears sometimes protect you from threats, but children can have irrational and meaningless fears that adults do not understand.

Overcoming fear

To overcome fear, man confronts the individual demon inside himself and properly conquers fear. However, in the case of immature children, it is still weak and dependable, so it is essential that someone be present to face the fear.

However, it is not always possible to get help from anyone. To this end, parents should teach their babies how to face fear in other ways, instead of hiding their backs and turns. If you try to keep your child in a place that is too safe, overcoming fear can not succeed. Parents should ensure that the child is able to learn how to confront and confront herself.

Negative emotional hit

It is important to convince your children that everything will work out. But at the same time, it should be able to provide answers to the dilemmas and fears that children face. It is desirable to emphasize the positive aspects of your child. This can enhance children's morale and self-confidence and serve as swords and shields to fight monsters in their hearts.

It is a wise way to encourage your child without too much pressure. We must realize that it is only a child, and it is natural to have fear. It is very important to clearly understand and embrace the fact that a child can not fight against fear and can still make mistakes because it is still incomplete.

It is also effective to give your child a chance to talk about these issues, and to share similar experiences with your parents. This makes the child hope that someday he will be able to defeat all these fears on their own.

Stay on your side

As a parent, the role that you can practice in your child's life is enormous. It is good to ponder and keep in mind everything you need to inject into your child's mind. Do not underestimate that your child is afraid, and try to be more understanding of your child's feelings as an adult.

It takes a lot of time for a child to overcome fear. It will never be easy, but always watching from side to side to guide the right way to solve the problem together when the child needs it is very important for the child to shake off fear and grow.

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