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A snake enjoys a more monotonous life than any other reptile. Even if a snake is raised as a pet, there are few predators around it that can attack the snake, so there is no need to continue to protect it. It is not that difficult to find snake food. However, the snake needs to investigate whether the appetite does not fall.

Is the snake appetite?

A snake is an animal that lives regularly without problems if it keeps only the temperature and humidity inside the cage. However, there are complaints that the snake should take care to avoid anorexia nervosa, anorexia. Anorexia nervosa refers to an eating disorder or anorexia. Because the pet snake is sensitive, the snake should be properly managed to maintain appetite. All the environment around the snake is a factor that can stimulate or sustain the snake's feeding. If the snake can not feed the barn, check some of the factors below.

Cause 1

Once a snake does not eat food, it can be suspected that it is a process of elimination or just before it. At this time when the snake 's skin is being peeled off, the scales seem blurry and the eyes look blurry or blue, like clouds.

At Brookhart's animal site, she defined hatching as "the process of discarding old skin cells and regenerating new skin cells."

Cause 2 Temperature

The temperature and humidity inside the cage should always be kept constant so that the snake can act and digest the food. Snakes tend to become lazy when their surroundings become cold, but they can also develop pneumonia or respiratory tract infections depending on the environment.

If the snake shows signs of eating disorder, it is best to check the temperature inside the cage and look for cold places before looking for a veterinarian. In particular, at night when the air is cold, you should keep it above 70 ° F (21.1 ° C) and find a suitable temperature for the snake to sunbathe.

In some cases, you can add a heat bulb to your existing bulb. There is a way to install a heat generator under the cage, but care should be taken because there is a risk of burns even if it exceeds the room temperature.

Cause 3 Oral disease

When a person tongue is bitten, he or she feels pain, and experiences toothache and gum pain. The same is true of snakes. Oral mucocutaneous disease can cause pain to no longer be eaten. Oral mucosal disease is a term for oral infection, and if the snake is likely to have an oral infection, you should seek a reptile professional animal hospital.

Cause 4 Respiratory system diseases

If we have a lot of cold symptoms, such as a blocked nose or sore throat, the snake is alike, as appetite diminishes. They lose appetite when they suffer from respiratory diseases, especially pneumonia. If you have sneezing or breathing through your eyes or nose, you may have a pneumonia or respiratory illness.

Cause 5 constipation and obstruction

Repeated overeating, it becomes difficult to digest and become thicker. A pet snake may not want to eat when it can not properly digest what it eats. In particular, dehydration can occur even when the air is dry, as a result of which the bowel movement becomes difficult and the stomach bulges and stops eating. If you have constipation or obstruction, appetite usually disappears. In this case, let warm water about 15-20 minutes near the cage twice a day. It can help with bowel movements by raising the ambient humidity, but in the case of obstruction, it can be operated.

Cause 6 Parasites

Common intestinal parasites can have serious effects. The presence of parasites in the snake's internal organs can lead to eating disorders, which are so microscopic that it is difficult to see with the naked eye. It can be confirmed only by float sorting analysis with snake excrement sample. Therefore, you should be tested by a reptile professional veterinarian.

There are many reasons why snakes do not feed. Always look at the health of your pet snake, and if you have any symptoms, find a reptilian veterinarian and have a proper test.

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